Dating At 40+

So... It's been a year ladies. How are we doing with the getting back out there?

I admittedly am in a bit of a rut. I took on caregiving for my elderly father, and that (along with two jobs) has hindered my efforts.

However, I recognized the need to change my energy. I've noticed that since I've set the intention of availability... to be open to meeting someone (and excited), I'm being approached a bit more.

I have a few acquaintances (never have found my "Sex and the City" crew), that know I'm looking and are dragging me out to events. I'm doing a better job of weeding out the game players (see my thread on the 40-year-old that was determined to keep texting), and committing to making myself more available.

I had ALWAYS gone out to bars and happy hours alone (no phone). I continue to take myself on dates (front row eats to Lion King next month followed by an awesome dinner and drinks... with MYSELF), and I'm content either way.

I would like to meet that special someone (and completely NOT limiting myself to the brothers. I really like the idea of dating "out"), but if he doesn't come along... my life is pretty great...

We'll see what happens...
@Holla I like the tips that you shared.

I'm in my mid 40's & I have no problem meeting men. There's good ones out there...just not the one for me. I'm sure my King will soon arrive. In the meantime, I'm enjoying me and getting out there.
I make sure when I step out my house I look 100 at all Times! you never know when that guy will pop up!

@PretteePlease A big Congratulations to you. We all have our own path to follow. I've never thought about that. I may check it out.

Wow! A year later...I'm in a committed relationship with someone I love dearly! We met in April and have been inseparable ever since.
I still keep up with looking 100 when i leave the house.
How do you stay looking great all the time?
One main thing... I try not sweat the small stuff. Keeps me looking stress free... no worried lines on my face or sign of aging..prevention better than cure

  • Regular. Mani & pedi
  • My hair always neat.. either natural or a wig / braids
  • Fresh breath
  • Some makeup : eye liner.. lipstick minimum
  • Casual/ dressy keep tidy & color coordinated
  • Perfume/ scent
  • Eat healthy
  • Workout
  • Shoes always clean
If the above is a regular occurrence shouldn’t take too long to do. My motto.. look good.. smell good.. feel good.. will boost your confidence.
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