Dark Red Hair anyone??


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find pix of black women with dark red/auburn hair and i'm having a hard time.

Anyone here dye their hair a deep red and have photos to share?
I had dark red hair once.
I guess my scalp decided my hair looked better on the floor:sad:.
My hair became really dry and broke off a lot.
Hopefully some ladies can suggest some products to prevent that from happening to you!
I've been eyeballing this reddish dominican rinse that JenniferMD used...its cinnamon I think...her hair came out a nice RED :look: Check out her fotki for the pic of it.
im sorry!!!! I just wanted to be truthful. Not everyone is going to have a head of full healthy colored hair. My hair became damaged and owned by the floor but that doesnt mean it will happen to you. Im sure a lot of ladies on here have amazing stories for you about their hair colors.

okay dani, way to scare a girl outta hair colorin sheeit.
I had dark red hair once.
I guess my scalp decided my hair looked better on the floor:sad:.
My hair became really dry and broke off a lot.
Hopefully some ladies can suggest some products to prevent that from happening to you!

Did you bleach it before you dyed it....that may have been the cause of it falling out. Since Whimsy is looking for a dark red this can probably be achieved with a rinse. I would clarify and use the rinse of your choice. My friend used Jazzin's coca cola rinse......her came out really nice.
Nope...I dont think she used bleach in my hair. Whimsy, I hope your hair coloring experience goes a million times better than mine.

Did you bleach it before you dyed it....that may have been the cause of it falling out. Since Whimsy is looking for a dark red this can probably be achieved with a rinse. I would clarify and use the rinse of your choice. My friend used Jazzin's coca cola rinse......her came out really nice.
im sorry!!!! I just wanted to be truthful. Not everyone is going to have a head of full healthy colored hair. My hair became damaged and owned by the floor but that doesnt mean it will happen to you. Im sure a lot of ladies on here have amazing stories for you about their hair colors.

:lachen::lachen: sorry but that was hilarious!!
I had dark red hair once.
I guess my scalp decided my hair looked better on the floor:sad:.
My hair became really dry and broke off a lot.

I second that. Dye can make your hair very, very dry. My hair fell out years ago when I was relaxed and dyed it blond. Today I have red streaks in the front of my head. Although I'm natural and my hair can tolerate color better, it still suffers from dryness.

Red is the hardest color to maintain. Any stylist will tell you that. Please consult a professional before you undertake such a dramatic change. I used a box kit about 4 times to get the color below, and I would not advise anyone to do what I did.


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I had dark red hair several years ago. Every picture I have my hair looks black. The color just wouldn't photograph. Maybe thats why your having difficulty finding pictures.
Why not look into henna for red hair? It is chemical free, does not damage, provides incredible color, condition, strength and shine. I've maintained an awesome dark reddish brown with henna for over a year now. In fact, it definately improved my 4b relaxed hair . . . .
Thanks for starting this thread. I was just thinking about dying my hair. But I guess not.

Kittenlongpaw has deep red/burgundy hair.

her photo
I've always had really dark auburn highlights. I use the Sunsilk Brunette Conditioner/Rinse every once in a while to make them pop. If I'm not mistaken John Frieda has a similar product called Glaze that you can get in most drugstores. It comes in a deep red and eventually washes out so you won't permanately damage your hair. It should cost under $10.
I had red hair last year, that started out really light but gradually got darker....


My stylist did my color, and she used the CHI color line, which I highly recommend.
You are soo right about that. I would only use a rinse by Adore called Crimson to achieve the dark red/burgundy look but it would almost look black in certain lighting. After using it for quite some time it was easier to see and never rinsed completely out. I have been thinking of bringing this color back into my hairs life since I'm too chicken to bleach/highlight, plus DH has been asking about it lately.

If I use it when I take my braids out I'll send you a PM of the pic.
I had dark red hair several years ago. Every picture I have my hair looks black. The color just wouldn't photograph. Maybe thats why your having difficulty finding pictures.
My hair looks really red in the sun but in regular light it looks black. I have been dying my hair black for years. Permanant black but it still fades and looks dusty. I bought a Garnier Burgandy and it came out OK but that faded also. I bought the Colorshowers brightest red and my hair looks really cool! My siggy shows a pic of it.
Actually Red is the easiet of the dyes to maintain on ethnic hair (african american especially) It's blonde that's harder to maintain because its so much harder to reach especially when coming from a dark color like black/dark browns to blonde

My sister (also pro stylist) just colored her hair to red tone (although both of our hair is dark red brown) The color looks great. She only did a rinse because she is pregnant.

Anyways semi and demi aren't very much as damaging as a permanent. You just have to make sure you are doing things properly. If your hair is naturally in a color range of black - red browns...your hair should take to the red color. Then it depends on how light you want that red to be in your hair. Because all your doing is bringing out more red tones in your hair that you already have.

I do recommend seeking a professional/or help...color works best on healthy hair. and a reconstructive should be done before color (for semi, demi and perm) to maintain healthness after the service
I just colored my hair with Textures & Tones Blazing burgundy. It came out great with no dryness.

My hair looks really red in the sun but in regular light it looks black. I have been dying my hair black for years. Permanant black but it still fades and looks dusty. I bought a Garnier Burgandy and it came out OK but that faded also. I bought the Colorshowers brightest red and my hair looks really cool! My siggy shows a pic of it.
My hair has a reddish/orangey tint to it as well when sun hits it.I like it and don't color it.
Pics in my fotki.
Here's my hair in early, early 2006 when it was relaxed.


ETA: It was colored with Optimum's Light Red Brown
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Hey Whimsy.....make sure your stylist has experience with red coloring. The red scale is different than the others. Many stylist have additional hands on training to really handle developing red color
I was thinking about doing dark red under from my ears down and black on top when my hair gets beyond brastrap. I love two tones and those are the only colors I would get. But thats a long time away from here...just dreaming.