Dang LHCF!....Why am I analyzing folks heads!?!?


New Member
Ok I know i'm not the only person who started doing this since i joined. I'm sitting in class just looking at folks head :takecover:trying to figure out if they have good hair practices. So far i'm seeing that most of them don't. I've seen spit ended, bleached, broken off, over processed, damaged hair. Just makes me want to gather them up and have a DC and protein party at my house:grouphug3:

My sis (who has now become addicted to LHCF) has a friend that lives below us. Her hair is very damaged and she does not know how to do her own hair. My sis went down to her apt do flat iron her hair and she said it was horrible:burning:. She had so many split ends, her hair was colored and very dry, and her hair was badly broken at her nape. I really want to do a DC on her and a protein treatment, also but i don't wanna just up and say "uh...your hair looks bad" We're gonna try to get her to join so she can start taking better care of her hair

Anywho....there is this one girl i take class with. Her hair is b-u-t-ful. She sits waaaay across from me but i always see her come in (cause she always late) she has WL hair that looks silky and shiny. I'm still trying to decipher if it is a wig or weave or just her real hair. I mean this girl's hair is gorgeous:lick:. I wish i had a pic to show yall. I really want to ask her if it hers but i don't wanna be rude and she never smiles so i don't want her to go off on me.
I am always examining the hair of the ladies I work with. It seems for the most part they have good practices and may be members and I don't know it. When I'm out in public I do it too but those practices aren't as healthy.
I do this too. I teach middle school students and I often catch myself looking and analyzing the girls' hair. for most of them, their hair is in bad condition. A lot of them wear ponytails with with very bad broken off ends. I want to give them and their parents advice so bad, but I don't.
I was going to post this a while back but thought it was just me!:spinning: From the first week that I’ve joined, I’ve been analyzing everyone’s hair, male or female! Just last night I was looking at Robert’s hair from Day26 and commenting on how cute his texture is! My hubby thought I was crazy. Most of my close friends take great care of their hair (why didn’t they help me when I was ignorant!! lol) but girls around the way in the ATL, lllllaawwwdddd have mercy!!!! I say to myself all the time, she needs to do a year stretch or go natural.:antlers::locks::help2:
i've always done that 2 everybody i c...just kinda a habit i guess cuz more times then not i see more hair infractions then good things :(
I look at ERRBODY hair. Men, women, children, black, white, shades of brown - all hair is subject to my scrutiny.
I look at ERRBODY hair. Men, women, children, black, white, shades of brown - all hair is subject to my scrutiny.


Me too. :yep:

On the train this morning I was looking at the back of this woman's head thinking, ":nono: she has breakage...she needs a protein treatment and some moisture"...:ohwell:
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Ooh, I am so bad at this. I'm sittin in class, not paying attention to the lecture, but I bet I can tell you who's hair is in bad shape. White women, black women, it doesn't matter, and its been mostly jacked up ends and total dryness. I wish i could just give them a bottle of ORS and a baggie, but I dont wanna get slapped! LOL
LOL too funny!

Im guilty too.. so far, my statistiques and studies shows that their hair is not as bad as i would think:rolleyes:
I am a natural hair stalker. I make people turn back the tv station just so I can see curls on girl's heads. I am the one staring at you if you have gorgeous curls. I occasionally contemplate the relaxed head as well. Usually to look at how bad its being treated but curls are where its at for me