Damaged Hair: Revitalize or Cut off


I know don't if this question has been answered before, but I was wondering if damaged hair can be undamaged. My ends are extremely dry and crunchy, unlike the rest of my hair; I figure that my hair is damaged. Is this damage irreversible or should i just cut my hair off. This is about two inches of hair. Help!!!
Hi there! I would try to revitalize it.:yep: That's what I'm doing. You'll have to be dedicated and patient because it's not an overnight process. There are several sisters here that started out with damaged tresses and they have some gorgeous heads of hair now.
We're in the same boat!

I'm contemplating cutting off damaged ends, but I'm not sure if I want to cut them all off at once or gradually get rid of them. I'm leaning towards gradually cutting off my ends off and treating my hair in the interim, but I shall see...
As long as I don't see any split ends or suffer and breakage I'm going to cut off my thin ends gradually.
Revitalize it. So many times (actually just three times, but that's three times too many, lol) I've had my hair shorned because people thought it was "too damaged" to grow. When I started my hair growth journey I was relaxing improperly and applying the relaxer to all of my hair. I stopped doing this and started DC'ing my hair, applying relaxers properly, and taking better care of my hair and I was able to turned the stiff, over processed hair into the healthier hair that I have today. So I don't think hair is a lost cause just because it's damaged.
try really hard to revitalize it first. After all, its already damaged right? But after a while, if it doesn't get better, just let it go. Your hair will be the better for it either way :)
Hi there! I would try to revitalize it.:yep: That's what I'm doing. You'll have to be dedicated and patient because it's not an overnight process. There are several sisters here that started out with damaged tresses and they have some gorgeous heads of hair now.

Definately agree with you..................
Hi there! I would try to revitalize it.:yep: That's what I'm doing. You'll have to be dedicated and patient because it's not an overnight process. There are several sisters here that started out with damaged tresses and they have some gorgeous heads of hair now.

She's right. I've seen some really damaged hair throughout my time here and most of those women, through dedication and research, have turned it right on around! :yep:

Revitalize it. So many times (actually just three times, but that's three times too many, lol) I've had my hair shorned because people thought it was "too damaged" to grow. When I started my hair growth journey I was relaxing improperly and applying the relaxer to all of my hair. I stopped doing this and started DC'ing my hair, applying relaxers properly, and taking better care of my hair and I was able to turned the stiff, over processed hair into the healthier hair that I have today. So I don't think hair is a lost cause just because it's damaged.

My fellow Floridian is right. Your hair isn't a lost cause just b/c it's damaged. I would nurse it back to health. . .now if it's all broken off and split or something, as someone said before, I'd cut it. But just b/c the ends are dry and crunchy? Nahhh. Some good moisture and babying should clear that up :lol:
Try to revitalize first by DCing and maybe even baggying your hair for a while. As long as your ends aren't split and/or breaking, there is no need to cut it, at least not yet.
Thanks ladies, I guess i have to step up my baggying and moisture game because DCing once a week is not doing it. It looks fine in its natural state but looks horrible when I straighten it. I will put in extra work and report back later, thanks again.
Bad news 1st...depending on the extent and type of damage, scissors might be the best solution. Damaged hair can be aestheically unpleasing and it's better to suck it up and start from "scratch" than to hold on to something that should go. I'm not one who believes in holding on to any old scraggly length no matter how bad it looks. Hair's dead, so you can't revitalize it in the sense you may mean.

Now for the good news, maybe protein would help you. I love the Aphogee "two step", but I only use step 2...the stuff that hardens and after that a serious moisturizing conditioner. Protein has a way of "glueing" splits and the like and halting/slowing down breakage. It can really make things look better too. Maybe try this for a few months and see what you get. If starts looking and feeling better, you know what works....if not cut it off. You'll look better.
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