Damaged hair...can it be "fixed"?????


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that I have been tryna help with her hair. It is a shoulder length, but it damaged from overprocessing. It looks very healthy when it is dry and has some heat applied. When it is wet, it is frizzy looking and split looking.

My questions is: can it be fixed/repaired, or should she cut all the damaged lenght off. The damaged length is about 8 inches. (FYI-She is asking me what to do!!)

Please advise,

It can't be "fixed" but you can use products and techniques to have it look as good as it possibly can. I wouldn't suggest cutting it all off at once (unless that's what she wants to do). Just have her grow and trim gradually. It will probably take about a year/year and a half to get back the progress.

Bummer about the damage
I recommend her reading the "Ultra Black Hair Growth Book: 2000 Edition" by Cathy Howse...after she reads the proper way to care for her hair: if she's interested in furthering her hair care: introduce her to the thread or fotki: ~HTH~
If its split and broken ....then NO( Like you got a broken nail you can crazy glue it but its not fixed)!

but dry (cruchy), or limp and thin... then yes. Its all about the product then.
It is split and broken...........I will advise her about the products she should be using and tell her to trim as needed. The hair is splt and broken.

I am amazed at how wonderful it looks when it is flat ironed! When mine is damaged it looks dull and lifeless, even with heat. Hers look sooo good when it has some heat applied......:confused:
It is split and broken...........I will advise her about the products she should be using and tell her to trim as needed. The hair is splt and broken.

I am amazed at how wonderful it looks when it is flat ironed! When mine is damaged it looks dull and lifeless, even with heat. Hers look sooo good when it has some heat applied......:confused:

Bre Bre is right....Put her on a regime with some regular protein treatments to help repair what can be repaired but she is gradually going to have to trim it off. I think hair can be temporary repaired to an extent so if it is that far gone then she just needs to concentrate on learning more about proper hair care so that she will be able to obtain and maintain healthy hair.
It is split and broken...........I will advise her about the products she should be using and tell her to trim as needed. The hair is splt and broken.

I am amazed at how wonderful it looks when it is flat ironed! When mine is damaged it looks dull and lifeless, even with heat. Hers look sooo good when it has some heat applied......:confused:

Her hair might not be as far gone as yours was. I would say to get a good trim and baby it. If she wants to chop it all off, that would be the best option but she should do what she feels comfortable with.