Daily Washing: The Secret to long hair?

I have a question for those with natural hair. When I had braids and would moisturise and rinse daily, my hair got soo fuzzy and was sticking up from the braids. I had to take them out after only being in for 3 weeks. how do you ladies deal with this?
thanks in advance
Try some natural aloe vera based hair gel (Salon Care w/ aloe-clear and green jar) from Sally's or just make some yourself with aloe vera gel and Infusium 23 in spray bottle.
i remember all through 5th and 8th grade i used to wash my hair everyday and wear it curly with some gel and grease or my mama would braid it in 2 plaits and kids at school used to be like "...yo color is black.. not white u needa wash once a week" but now that i think about it.. my hair was sooo long it was almost to my waist. after that i stopped washing it daily and started getting relaxers. that was HORRIBLE for my hair. now i am back natural with shoulder legnth in the front and 4 in from brastrap in the back. i am definately going to wash daily because i know this works!!!
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JazzAngel said:
WOW O WOW O WOW I have been saying this for yearsssss and everytime I said this peopele looked at me as if I was crazy. How many times I have said that I noticed that my hair grows more from daily rinsing!

I don't shampoo ever but I do rinse daily sometimes twice a day. Once a week I do a conditioning wash with a bit of lemon. When I rinse I make certain to massage my scalp to remove any sweat and dirt. My hair always suffers when it does not get wet.

Growing up in St. Lucia I rinsed every single day and shampooed on Sundays and my hair was waist length. I remember comming to this country and everyone advised me to stop wetting my hair soo often because it was bad for black hair. From the time I stopped wetting my hair it was down hill for my hair.

When I began wetting my hair I surpassed the shoulder length. My hair never seemed to pass my shoulders for years untill I began to rinse daily. water is moisture and we need it.

Plus could that be one of added reasons that people of other ethnic groups grow longer hair?

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Wow - Wow o Wow
I guess what I've always heard is true. I will wash more often along with moisture. And thanks Aprilbiz for bringing up this subject matter...very important

Man I cna't wait to try this. I wan tmy hair to grow so bad. Because I am tryin my best to do this.
You guys, I think there REALLY may be something to this frequent hair washing thing. Now that I think about it, you all have heard me complain about how much longer my hair is in the back than on the sides and front, right?

Well, I just realized that whenever I shower, I'm not very careful about not wetting my hair in the back, and it always ends up getting real wet. I just spray some Dew on it and put it up in a ponytail and the next day it's fine.

Well, I just realized that this just might be the reason my hair has grown so much in the back!!!!

WOW!! I don't think I can do daily washes, but I'm going to try to wash at least every 4-5 days especially in the summer and see what happens.
Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yall are making me get the hibbbbbeeeeeeejjjjeeeeeeeeebbbbbies How i wanna. I can't ruin my braids though. How desperate I am. Should I rinse with hot or cold water?
Tonya &amp; Nessa --

Rinsing the cornrows might mess them up, but you could put some water in a squeeze bottle and squeeze the water in between the braids with the little nozzle.
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OnlyChild said:
Tonya &amp; Nessa --

Rinsing the cornrows might mess them up, but you could put some water in a squeeze bottle and squeeze the water in between the braids with the little nozzle.

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That's exactly what I was thinking!
I wash my hair twice a week but every night I spritz with water mixed with a little leave in and oils until damp. same benefits? I hope so! my hair has definately felt softer and more managable even if I only wear it in a ponytail or pinned twists. during the summer I think I'm going to try adding a third wash (cond only ) to my regime and see how that goes. I'm hoping for major growth during the summer. trying to grow 6 inches by Dec 03!

I edited this cause I wanted to add another question. for ya'll who rinse or cond. wash more than twice a week do you still do deep conditionings after each session or just narrow the deep (20 min with or without heat) conditionings to once or twice a week?
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godzooki said:
II edited this cause I wanted to add another question. for ya'll who rinse or cond. wash more than twice a week do you still do deep conditionings after each session or just narrow the deep (20 min with or without heat) conditionings to once or twice a week?

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I do my deep conditoning when I do my shampoo. If I'm just doing a conditioning rinse or just a plain rinse I don't deep condition.
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Nessa said:
This may be stupid but what does a condition wash mean?

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You wash your hair with a conditioner instead of shampoo. You focus on your scalp. It really works. Some ladies do it daily, but I don't. I just do a rinse. In the summer this is what I do....
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday(after I exercise) I shampoo.
Tuesday and Thursday I do conditoner washes. On Friday I do just a rinse.
In the winter I shampoo on Saturday.
Monday and Wednesday I do condioner washes.
Tuesday,Thursday and Friday I just rinse.
Sundays I usually don't do anything...
Okay Foxybronx... you were reading my mind with your question.

For those who rinse daily... are you just rinsing with water only or with conditioner?

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ny2atl said:
Okay Foxybronx... you were reading my mind with your question.

For those who rinse daily... are you just rinsing with water only or with conditioner?


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I rinse daily with conditoner for 6 days and on the 7th I do an olive oil treatment, shampoo, deep condition, and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner. The only time I rinse with just water is if I am in a hurry, and then i make sure i spray with a leave in.

So has everyone agreed to doing this every day. Cause I am doing this a long time. In da Summa. So You know I am about to to to to to to to do do do do do this. Cause so far my hair is healthy in braids and making my hair thicker.
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Nessa said:
So has everyone agreed to doing this every day. Cause I am doing this a long time. In da Summa. So You know I am about to to to to to to to do do do do do this. Cause so far my hair is healthy in braids and making my hair thicker.

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I rinsed every day last summer and I'm doing the same thing this summer.

When you rinsed your hair every day last summer, did you see an improvent in retaining length and growing more hair?

If it did please tell me.And we have the ame hair texture so what ever works with you may work for me.

Thank You

Wow...this thread really took off and I'm glad. That way there will be more people testing this method out and more results... I started thinking about this seriously a few years ago.

I used to be addicted to coloring my hair. My color of preference was any shade of "blonde". Needless to say, my hair became so damaged while bleaching, coloring and relaxing. The worst experience I had was when all my hair fell out... I had been bleaching and coloring my hair all week because I couldn't achieve the color I was after. To add insult to injury, I decided I would put a perm in my hair and "let it rest" (:D) afterwards...oh boy! Now, if that wasn't the icing on the cake, I was using some relaxer that I bumbed off of a friend...it was a jar of Optimum that had been opened and refrigerated...don't even think I check the strength.

Well, minutes after the application of it, I felt the most intense itch I've ever felt in the back of my head. Not wanting to get the relaxer on my hands, I took a comb and scratched my head with it, and when I looked at the comb...well you all could write the rest of the story. There was a huge glob of hair in the comb. I threw my head in the sink frantically trying to remove the chemicals, but my hair was melting like cotton candy and flowing down the drain. When I looked in the mirror, I truly looked like Fire Marshall Bill
oo: I had a piece of hair in the front, and some in the back...some on the sides, but a whole lot missing in between. It had broken off down to stubble.

Mortified, I called my Grandmother who was a very knowledgeable beautician (sadly, I had cast all her years of good wisdom aside that day.) She told me to immediately purchase a bottle of Aphoghee for Damaged hair. That was my first introduction to the product that I keep on hand in my "first aid kit" for hair. She told me that it would stop the breakage immediately. Well, although I took her advise, I had to inform Granny later on that there was not enough hair to save. She suggested that I cut off the hair and I did just that. I shaved it bald. This was my first experience with daily hair washing. After about a year and a half, I had the most beautiful and healthy shoulder length hair. I had been wearing wigs, braids, and after finally getting enough nerve, used a "baby" relaxer. My hair was in unbelievably great shape, but of course, my addiction came calling again, and again I fell into the vicious damaging chemical cycle.

I'll continue in the next post to give your eyes a rest.

Okay, this post is getting a bit long, but I have had to give my hair a rest several times after damaging my hair because of over-processing. During these times, I have not relaxed my hair frequently, and have washed it or rinsed it daily, leaving conditioner in my hair, and have worn it in a bun behind my head or used a ponytail attatchment. It is during these times that I've experienced the most significant hair growth.

The problem with the daily washing of course is the styling afterwards. I have been wearing my hair pulled back in a bun with a scrunchy over it for years. While it's not the most beautiful hairstyle, it is an all-purpose one that I can wear anywear. I have also used ponytails, although, since my hair has been longer, it's been harder to pull the hair up on top to use the ponytails.

I'm desperately looking for other hairstyles, as I don't blow dry my hair. I do however take a break from the daily washing for a week or two and wrap my hair. Wet hair is also fragile and has to be handled delicately. Usually what I do is I will wash my hair once every 3-7 days and on the other days I will just rinse my hair thorougly in the shower. It really makes you feel so clean in the morning before work. You have to be careful if you live in a region that experiences colder months because you can get sick running out of the house with a wet head. I leave conditioner in my hair because it makes it easier to comb it when it's wet. I'd like to find a good creamy detangling leave-in conditioner, but have not found one yet. After I do that, I apply curl activator. I used to apply a light hair gel, but have stopped doing it lately. I apply a hair mixture I created that I posted in the "Hair Recipe" section, and because it contains some petroleum (which I know is a bad word...I'm still tweaking the mixture) my hair stays in place. I've just dealt with the few whispy edges that pop out when my hair dries. I guess if I got up an hour and a half earlier, I could sit under the dryer, but I like to sleep until the last minute.

I am daily becoming a firm believer in this approach to increased hair growth. I am working up an exact hair regimine now thanks to ready all the posts, but whatever products it will contain, I will still be washing it daily, and when I say washing, I mean washing and rinsing. I believe this is why our straight haired sisters have achieved so much amazingly fast hair growth. I'm not a scientist so I could be wrong, and I think somone has posted some information regarding the dangers of this, so I'm going to check that post out now, but so far cleaner hair is working better for me.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. As usual, some of the most horrific experiences lead to the best lessons learned. Im glad that you found your groove with the whole hair thing...keep up the good growth...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Nessa said:

When you rinsed your hair every day last summer, did you see an improvent in retaining length and growing more hair?

If it did please tell me.And we have the ame hair texture so what ever works with you may work for me.

Thank You


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Yes I do. Aprilbiz's post confrims if for me...
Yes, aprilbiz, thank you for sharing your story with us. I've always been very afraid to color! On a more positive note, I do feel even more confident about daily rinsing! I also enjoy rinsing/washing frequently; can't beat that "clean" feeling!!
aprilbiz, this is a fantastic and encouraging story of hair growth from frequent washing.

I can't believe that not too long ago, I was under the belief that once per 2 weeks was enough. I think alot of us have noticed a benefit in washing or rinsing the hair more often because of the constant moisture and conditioner 'feeding' the hair.

Keep going girl.
Re: Daily Washing: (Distilled water)

Sweetcoca I have hard water too, although the water that comes thru my refrigerator is filtered for drinking -- could I use that instead of distilled water or is there something particular about the distilled water?

Daily washing -- you all may be on to something here. I noticed that if I only wash once per week my hair is more "weak".
Re: Daily Washing: (Distilled water)

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CynamonKis said:
Sweetcoca I have hard water too, although the water that comes thru my refrigerator is filtered for drinking -- could I use that instead of distilled water or is there something particular about the distilled water?

Daily washing -- you all may be on to something here. I noticed that if I only wash once per week my hair is more "weak".

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I use distilled water because I can't get soft water. Distilled contains nothing...no minerals...absolutley nothing which is why I use it on my hair. I notice the difference immediately when I use hard water.
Hey Nessa you can rinse, or condition rinse your hair in the braids, or you could just spray it daily I gave the recipe for what I use above, or African rpide braid spray I also use that.