DAILY WASHERS/RINSERS...How do you wear your hair at WORK???


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
For those of you that wash/rinse your hair daily and have full-time or part-time jobs...

1. How do you wear your hair to work?
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work?
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work?
4. Does it look decent/nice?
5. Do you use airdry or use heat?
6. Other tips/suggestions?

I'm not trying to be rude here at all, I would just like to know and learn. Before, I tried washing my hair more often and it caused too much stress to my hair. But I've been thinking about giving daily washing or every 2-3 days of washing another try because since I've been transitioning, my hair (esp. the new growth) can get rather dry during the day. Plus, I want my hair to look nice/decent at work...

Thanks in advance!!!:cool:
I normally condition wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I do it the night before and braid 6 sections. In the morning my hair is usually a little damp, so I blow dry it on a warm to cool setting. I undo each section and either wear my hair in a bun or wear it out. It is a very low maintenance hair style..
My advice is a bun. Not only are they simple to style, but you can dress them up very nicely. For example, I will wash and condition (or just co) and sometimes part my hair to the left or right side. Then I smooth it down really nice (EQP MB and a silk scarf for about 30 min.) while the rest is in a low bun. Then I will add some pretty earrings and I end up with a more elegant look. It also helps when I have makeup on, it gives me a dressier look. I have also seen in several picture albums (esp. Dreemsold) how buns can be dressed up considerably with decorative hair accessories.

I personally don't mind my hair being damp during the day, as long as it's not dripping or sopping wet. I usually air dry, but you could always sit under the dryer for a bit to get some of the wetness out of your hair. I think buns are very, very classy and work appropriate when neatly done.
Poohbear I wash every 2 or 3 days. I wash night and airdry in a ponytail. I take down the ponytail and clip it up and put on a scarf. In the morning I put my hair in a bun. By this time my hair is usually 90% dry. Like I told you once before I also work in accounting as Asst. Director of Finance and Contracts Manager. I wear a french twist or bun 90% of the time and both are considered professional.
1. I wear it pulled back in my puff ( mid and low puffs rather than high)exactly how you see it in my album.
2. I was in the am in the shower.
3. I diffuse to dry, sometime it's a little damp near the roots.
4. Sometimes it does...sometimes it doesn't...Oh well, honestly at this point, I could care less (I'm a little hostile when it comes to my job these days, lol)
5. Diffuse.
6. When it comes to daily washing, keep it as simple as possible. It's a big chore, so the less you do, the easier to do daily.
Cincysweetie said:
My advice is a bun. Not only are they simple to style, but you can dress them up very nicely. For example, I will wash and condition (or just co) and sometimes part my hair to the left or right side. Then I smooth it down really nice (EQP MB and a silk scarf for about 30 min.) while the rest is in a low bun. Then I will add some pretty earrings and I end up with a more elegant look. It also helps when I have makeup on, it gives me a dressier look. I have also seen in several picture albums (esp. Dreemsold) how buns can be dressed up considerably with decorative hair accessories.

I personally don't mind my hair being damp during the day, as long as it's not dripping or sopping wet. I usually air dry, but you could always sit under the dryer for a bit to get some of the wetness out of your hair. I think buns are very, very classy and work appropriate when neatly done.

Cincysweetie, Do you wash your hair in the morning or at night??? I've seen dreemssold album and have done her but but she does her bun on dry hair and so do I. I don't wear makeup but I do have some nice earrings. I wouldn't mind my hair being a little damp either because of how dry my hair gets. I've washed my hair, part it, did the scarf method, let it airdry, and then placed it in a bun in the morning and my hair can still get and feel dry. But I don't want it to look wet from daily washing, ya know what I mean? Maybe just a moisturized shiny look. Thanks for your advice!
simplycee said:
Poohbear I wash every 2 or 3 days. I wash night and airdry in a ponytail. I take down the ponytail and clip it up and put on a scarf. In the morning I put my hair in a bun. By this time my hair is usually 90% dry. Like I told you once before I also work in accounting as Asst. Director of Finance and Contracts Manager. I wear a french twist or bun 90% of the time and both are considered professional.
Yes I do remember. But my hair isn't as long and thick as yours! :grin: I also have a big head and I can't do french twist. You know what? I'm going to try the way you do it and hopefully my hair that's hanging from the ponytail dries enough so I can spread it around my scrunchie hair bun. :yep: I've been thinking that I need to wash my hair more often in order for it to be more moisturized... water is starting to be my friend since I'm going natural...sometimes the products I use (oils, glossing polish, or Elasta QP Recovery) don't cut it during the day. :ohwell:
1. How do you wear your hair to work? I wear a bun.
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work? I was in the evening, after my workout.
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work? Nope.
4. Does it look decent/nice? Yes. I'm 14 weeks post relaxer, so a bun is one of the only ways I can wear it without a lot of manipulation.
5. Do you use airdry or use heat? Airdry
6. Other tips/suggestions? I wash/co-wash, and put my hair in a ponytail to dry. I wrap a scarf around it, and let it dry overnight.
so1913 said:
1. I wear it pulled back in my puff ( mid and low puffs rather than high)exactly how you see it in my album.
2. I was in the am in the shower.
3. I diffuse to dry, sometime it's a little damp near the roots.
4. Sometimes it does...sometimes it doesn't...Oh well, honestly at this point, I could care less (I'm a little hostile when it comes to my job these days, lol)
5. Diffuse.
6. When it comes to daily washing, keep it as simple as possible. It's a big chore, so the less you do, the easier to do daily.

I can't wait to wear a puff when I'm totally natural! :grin:
i condition wash daily in the a.m. for the most part my hair is still a little damp when i get to work. i airdry all year long.I wear a curly fro to work daily- i have a natural curl pattern so i don't bother to pick it out. i have shrinkage as well so every time i get a trim everyone thinks that my hair is not growing just getting shorter but we know that's not true. I have ordered a phonypony which i should receive soon and a phony bun as well. I'd like to wear those from time to time. i refer to my hair as happy hair-however it looks after i rinse the conditioner out- that's the way it is for the rest of the day. i moisturize at nite with organic hair butter and baggie at nite as well.
Poohbear said:
Cincysweetie, Do you wash your hair in the morning or at night??? I've seen dreemssold album and have done her but but she does her bun on dry hair and so do I. I don't wear makeup but I do have some nice earrings. I wouldn't mind my hair being a little damp either because of how dry my hair gets. I've washed my hair, part it, did the scarf method, let it airdry, and then placed it in a bun in the morning and my hair can still get and feel dry. But I don't want it to look wet from daily washing, ya know what I mean? Maybe just a moisturized shiny look. Thanks for your advice!
I usually wash in the morning and my hair is still somewhat damp, BUT it's not soaking wet. I don't usually wear makeup often, but sometimes I'll work the face when the hair is rather simple :) A little mascara, a little lip color and voila! The earrings can def. dress up a sleek bun. I would try washing in the morning and if you have time to sit under the dryer for a few, then try that. If not, that's okay as long as your hair isn't dripping wet. Hopefully that works.
I used to work out six days a week, and sweat up a storm. I'd say I washed/rinsed 4 or five times a week. I would wear my relaxed (texturized, my stylist says) hair in a curly ponytail to airdry, braid the ponytail, put multiple bands down the length of the tail, or do a true french twist with pins (rare - I was into fast hair-do and then get going to work) but mostly used big claw clips that has one side flat fingers, other side curved. These make for a fast french twist style. My little sister calls it the 'Red Carpet' do.
Hello Poohbear

1. How do you wear your hair to work? I use the plastic baggie method with a phony pony.
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work? I wash my hair at night.
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work? The phonytail is still wet but the crown and around my hair is completely dry. This is great for when I wear my satin scarf with added hail oils at night because in the morning it becomes completely dry.
4. Does it look decent/nice? I think it looks good except for when the newgrowth pokes out at the top :lol:
5. Do you use airdry or use heat? I airdry ALWAYS
6. Other tips/suggestions? To wash your hair every two days and use lots of oils, grease or leave-in creme's to lay down your hairline and never where your phonytail tight because the strands are still wet.

This was a really good topic Poohbear
Cincysweetie said:
I usually wash in the morning and my hair is still somewhat damp, BUT it's not soaking wet. I don't usually wear makeup often, but sometimes I'll work the face when the hair is rather simple :) A little mascara, a little lip color and voila! The earrings can def. dress up a sleek bun. I would try washing in the morning and if you have time to sit under the dryer for a few, then try that. If not, that's okay as long as your hair isn't dripping wet. Hopefully that works.
that would be my problem... having time to sit under the dryer for a few in the morning :lol: (I'm not a morning person... I sometimes oversleep after my alarm goes off! :grin: ). But it doesn't hurt to try one morning... i may try it on a weekend when im not doing anything and see how it works for me. :cool:
winterinatl said:
I used to work out six days a week, and sweat up a storm. I'd say I washed/rinsed 4 or five times a week. I would wear my relaxed (texturized, my stylist says) hair in a curly ponytail to airdry, braid the ponytail, put multiple bands down the length of the tail, or do a true french twist with pins (rare - I was into fast hair-do and then get going to work) but mostly used big claw clips that has one side flat fingers, other side curved. These make for a fast french twist style. My little sister calls it the 'Red Carpet' do.
I just checked out your album again and I wish my hair was as long and thick as yours so I could do styles like the braid ponytail with bands or the "Red carpet" french twist style! :grin: Plus, once I get more hair on my head, it'll disguise this big head of mine! :lol:
1. How do you wear your hair to work? Sometimes I pull it back in a bun, but normally I pull the front and back into a bun and rod the top in a spiral style. I hate wearing my hair back, I also have a big head and I feel like when my hair is pulled back in a bun I do not look right.

2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work? I conditioner wash at night after my workout, I sweat terribly which causes my hair to revert badly.

3. Is your hair wet/damp at work? As I am at work now, my hair is somewhat damp. My curls are not as tight as I would like because it is still damp, but it is not obvious that I am rocking some damp hair. My hair is thick and it takes a long time to dry.

4. Does it look decent/nice? When I pull it all back in a bun I hate it I feel like I cannot wear nice clothes with my hair pulled back. When I wear the top spiraled, I love that look, it is the only look I can get that takes little effort, and no heat on my natural hair.

5. Do you airdry or use heat? Airdry 95% of the time, I will sit under the dryer if I have time in the morning, and usually when I do it is still not dry, so I normally skip the dryer. I can't wait until it is warm, I want to try the wash and go look.

6. Other tips/suggestions? I have seen drawstring ponytails that look decent and may be something to consider. I do not have bangs but may be if you wore a bang in the front, and pulled the rest back you could pull that off. I will post the pics of my everyday style later when I get home to give you a visual.
For those of you that wash/rinse your hair daily and have full-time or part-time jobs...

1. How do you wear your hair to work?
I either wear it in a bun or in a phonytail.
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work?
At night.
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work?
It is dry at work.
4. Does it look decent/nice?
Not sure what to make of such a question. Do you think anyone would go to work with hair that didn't look decent or nice? :look:
5. Do you use airdry or use heat?
I airdry overnight.
6. Other tips/suggestions?
The wet bun works perfectly for me. It doesn't always work for others; some have complained of breakage in the bun area. As I get more new growth, I concentrate my conditioning products on my roots first, then my ends, and the remaining hair last. This really helps with comb-outs. HTH!

ETA: Poohbear, if you're having trouble with dry hair, have you tried spritzing your hair with distilled water? It took care of my crispies. Good luck!
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Nyambura said:

ETA: Poohbear, if you're having trouble with dry hair, have you tried spritzing your hair with distilled water? It took care of my crispies. Good luck!
Yes I've done this before when I've worn a bun but it doesn't look right when my edges are wet/damp and the rest of my hair is dry. Should I spritz my whole entire hair shaft with water? I think I may have to do this more often in order to keep my hair from getting dry. ;)
Poohbear said:
For those of you that wash/rinse your hair daily and have full-time or part-time jobs...

1. How do you wear your hair to work? To work i would just wear it in a pony tale or i would slap a wig on
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work? I would wash it at night...conditioner wash every 1 to 3 days and shampoo 1-2 per week...deep conditioning when I shampooed
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work? Sometimes it would be damp...not dripping of course!
4. Does it look decent/nice? It looked fine
5. Do you use airdry or use heat? I would normally avoid heat and just airdry by tying my hair down at night and just sleeping on it
6. Other tips/suggestions? Keep it simple and be patient with your hair

I'm not trying to be rude here at all, I would just like to know and learn. Before, I tried washing my hair more often and it caused too much stress to my hair. But I've been thinking about giving daily washing or every 2-3 days of washing another try because since I've been transitioning, my hair (esp. the new growth) can get rather dry during the day. Plus, I want my hair to look nice/decent at work...

Thanks in advance!!!:cool:

This is off topic bu why is it that when I quoted PB and responded within the quote, the system told me my response was too short and I had to ad ten characters???? :confused:
Poohbear said:
Yes I've done this before when I've worn a bun but it doesn't look right when my edges are wet/damp and the rest of my hair is dry. Should I spritz my whole entire hair shaft with water? I think I may have to do this more often in order to keep my hair from getting dry. ;)

Yep. I spritz the entire shaft with distilled water. Then I tie my hair down with a silk scarf until it's dry. When it dries, it feels more moisturized.
PittGirl06 said:
This is off topic bu why is it that when I quoted PB and responded within the quote, the system told me my response was too short and I had to ad ten characters???? :confused:
That's strange. :weird: Oh well! Thanks for your response and advice! :)
Hey Pooh

1. How do you wear your hair to work? Currently Braids
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work? Morning
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work? Somewhat
4. Does it look decent/nice? Yes
5. Do you use airdry or use heat? Airdry
6. Other tips/suggestions? This is only for braids. When I wear it loose, I do the baggie method, so it's damp most of the day. But no it's not very professional looking because it drys sort of frizzed. When I put Scurl in it it stays sleek looking. Hope this helps.
Poohbear said:
For those of you that wash/rinse your hair daily and have full-time or part-time jobs...

1. How do you wear your hair to work?
2. Do you wash your hair at night or in the morning before work?
3. Is your hair wet/damp at work?
4. Does it look decent/nice?
5. Do you use airdry or use heat?
6. Other tips/suggestions?

I'm not trying to be rude here at all, I would just like to know and learn. Before, I tried washing my hair more often and it caused too much stress to my hair. But I've been thinking about giving daily washing or every 2-3 days of washing another try because since I've been transitioning, my hair (esp. the new growth) can get rather dry during the day. Plus, I want my hair to look nice/decent at work...

Thanks in advance!!!:cool:

I conditioner wash my hair just about every day. I do it in the morning while taking a shower, the only reason I don't to it before going to bed is because I don't like sleeping on wet hair. Lately, I've just been wearing my hair in one or two single braids and yes my hair is wet when I get to work, it airdries throughout the day for the most part. As far as it looking nice, well it's very neat because I use my scarf to tie down the front to get it nice and smooth, but the style may be a bit childish or too simple to some.

When summer rolls around, I will continue to rinse/wash daily, but will wear wet updos, ponytails, shake & go's, etc.
I CW every morning, never use heat, and wear either a phony pony or phun bun to work. I usually wear a wash & go on the weekend to give my hair line a rest, I guess it looks nice as I'm always getting complimented on my hair :D
Poohbear said:
I just checked out your album again and I wish my hair was as long and thick as yours so I could do styles like the braid ponytail with bands or the "Red carpet" french twist style! :grin: Plus, once I get more hair on my head, it'll disguise this big head of mine! :lol:

Awww, that's so sweet:D Don't worry, you'll get there!