DAILY WASHERS/RINSERS (current & former)...I Need Your HELP!!!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
When you wash or rinse daily, do you detangle or comb your hair each day???
This is what has been holding me back from daily washing because I know I would have to dentangle or comb my hair into a bun or whatever styles your ladies have mentioned in other threads...

And if you do dentangle/comb your wet hair each time, do you get hairs on your comb... whether its breakage or shedding?
This is another reason why I'm afraid to daily wash. I know each time I wash my hair just once a week, I get hairs on my comb...

Any suggestions or tips for daily washing will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance!!! ;)
I CO wash daily and detangle/comb through. I rarely have strands of hair in my comb.

I put the conditioner in my hair for about an hour before I shower (I go to the gym in the mornings), when I rinse it out, the hair is nice and soft and doesn't require much work after that.

Every other day I use a protein conditioner (for about 5-10 minutes without heat or a cap), followed by my moisturizing conditioner as a final rinse....this has worked like a charm for me, very little breakage and virtually no shedding. My hair is never brittle or dry. :yay:

The only day I seem to have more hair in my combs is after I shampoo. Go figure...

My styles are 3/4 falls, phonys or just putting my hair into a pony and covering w/a scrunchy. I've not used heat consistently in my hair for more than a year now, I can't imagine going through the blow drying and flat ironing every day. :nono:
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I've been washing daily, and yes, I have a few shedded hairs on my comb after I finish. I attribute this to me wearing a bun all day and not combing it at all. We supposedly shed 100 strands each day. A few on my comb does not make me have a heart attack.

I washed last night and I was done in 30 minutes. I airdry in a ponytail overnight, and I'm almost dry by morning. I put my phony bun on and go.
Poohbear said:
When you wash or rinse daily, do you detangle or comb your hair each day???
This is what has been holding me back from daily washing because I know I would have to dentangle or comb my hair into a bun or whatever styles your ladies have mentioned in other threads...

And if you do dentangle/comb your wet hair each time, do you get hairs on your comb... whether its breakage or shedding?
This is another reason why I'm afraid to daily wash. I know each time I wash my hair just once a week, I get hairs on my comb...

Any suggestions or tips for daily washing will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance!!! ;)

That's a normal fear..
The only thing you DON'T WANT are clumps of hair....
The shedding is fine. To help avaoid breaking your wet hair in it's fragile state, take the extra time to slowly comb it out after heavily moisturizing it!
It has saved me many a nights from crying in the bathroom!
LaNecia, you use the 3/4 fall when your hair is still damp? Do you have any problems with that?
I co wash daily periodically and I always comb,. Yes I get hair in my comb, but shedding and breaking to some extent is normal and I just don't worry about it. It's not a lot of hair.

Re: time....It's part of my shower, and applying my products in the morning for my wash and go takes 3 minutes tops. It takes me less time to do my makeup! :lol: And it certainly takes less time than some of the gorgeous buns I've seen on this site, or making sure the wrap is falling right - all of which I've also done. This is quicker.
Hey Carrie!!

Nope, no problems at all. My hair is still under 6" long so being on the shorter end and not very thick, it dries fairly quickly. Usually, I'll either put 6 french braids in my hair or just a loose pony tail to secure the hair. Most of the time, when I do the braids, my hair is mostly dry by the time I finish, I have to use a mist bottle to keep it moist otherwise it'll be mostly dry before I'm done. Put on on the 3/4 fall and go.

My hair is always dry by the time I get home so it's not continually wet, unless I hit the gym during lunch.

I guess it's working for me cause a co-worker keeps asking me what I'm doing to make it grow so fast, what I am using to keep it so smooth, how often I'm retouching, etc....
u will loose some amt of hairs....i read on this board on some thread before that its normal to loose about 35 or 50 daily...some ppl more...if u dont notice that an hair loss then ur cool....pay attention and find out whats normal for u
Thanks for the info LaNecia. I am thinking of going back to my daily rinses. I usually sport a weave, but I am gonna take a break from it for a while. I just cut off about 1.5" of bad ends. Right now I am wearing a 3/4 fall.
I do this and I don't lose any hair. I contribute it to my stinky challenge and MTG conditioner. My hair is so thick and wavy, it refuses to relax! Anyhow, I lightly brush my hair, not comb it. I don't know if that has anything to do with no loss of hair. :grin:
I do CO washes everyday without fail, and I shampoo once a week. I use either Nexxus Humectress or Aussie Reconstructor to do the CO washes. I put in the conditioner, comb it thru w/a wet comb, put on a plastic cap, and finish showering, so it doesn't take me any longer than it does to shower...I just rinse the conditioner out when I'm done.

When I detangle with the conditioner in the shower, I may lose 1 hair, or none at all. After I'm out of the shower, I put my leave-ins in, then comb thru/detangle again with the same wet comb. I usually braid it in one braid, and pin it up to keep it from rubbing on my clothes. When I detangled at 12 weeks post after my leave-ins, I lost no more than 10 hairs. I just relaxed my hair yesterday, and I don't lose any hair at all with my CO washes now. I did a CO wash this morning, braided my hair, pinned it up, went to work. This is my daily routine. I only use protein once a week. My CO washes are with moisturizing conditioners only. HTH! :) CO washes are the best thing that's ever happened to my hair!

P.S. The average hair shed daily for anybody is up to 100 hairs a day.
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Natrlchallenge said:
I do this and I don't lose any hair. I contribute it to my stinky challenge and MTG conditioner. My hair is so thick and wavy, it refuses to relax! Anyhow, I lightly brush my hair, not comb it. I don't know if that has anything to do with no loss of hair. :grin:
So how do you style your hair? And how long is your hair? do you apply those "stinky challenge" products :D on wet hair? :confused:
I dont know how you guys deal with the daily CW'ing or rinsing, for my hair its just way, way , way too much manipulation, stripping of moisture and work. I'm just not totally getting what the benifits would be, but then i do realize every head of hair is different and for some this might work like a charm and the hair fares well.....its just really really hard for me to imagine with how it would work on my head

poohbear, I can understand your concerns...its like starting from scratch every single day. I really think it might/could cause more shedding than necessary (depending on if your hair likes it or not) your having to start over with moisture levels too. or maybe again thats just my hair that requires tons of products for moisture, i cant see rinsing it out every single day and starting from scratch with the products again.

I use to be a daily wetter with african pride and allways 911( a watery leave in) this didnt strip my hair at all though, but since have found that even that was making my hair less managble...i was stuck in the soak -it-to-be-able-to-comb-it cycle. now just a creamy leave in with an oil or butter is more than sufficient...

i never thought i would get away from the soaking wet drippy hair....thank God for hair revelations lol

Poohbear said:
So how do you style your hair? And how long is your hair? do you apply those "stinky challenge" products :D on wet hair? :confused:
Natrlchallenge said:
I do this and I don't lose any hair. I contribute it to my stinky challenge and MTG conditioner. My hair is so thick and wavy, it refuses to relax! Anyhow, I lightly brush my hair, not comb it. I don't know if that has anything to do with no loss of hair. :grin:

Quick question...what is a MTG conditioner? Thanks!
Thanks for your response. Now that I think of it, I don't think daily washing is for MY hair either. If I have to go back and forth about whether I should do this or not, then I should just do without. My hair has done fine with wearing a bun and not taking it down until I wash my hair (which is once a week). I was only thinking of daily washing because I heard it's very moisturizing to your hair and can help it grow faster. But I use more products on my hair now that I'm transitioning than ever before, so that would make daily washing pointless if I have to reapply the products over again. Applying products help maintain my hair. I feel like shampooing once a week and clarifying once a month will do the trick for product buildup. As long as I leave my hair alone, I know I'll avoid the breakage and shedding.
Irresistible said:
I dont know how you guys deal with the daily CW'ing or rinsing, for my hair its just way, way , way too much manipulation, stripping of moisture and work. I'm just not totally getting what the benifits would be, but then i do realize every head of hair is different and for some this might work like a charm and the hair fares well.....its just really really hard for me to imagine with how it would work on my head

poohbear, I can understand your concerns...its like starting from scratch every single day. I really think it might/could cause more shedding than necessary (depending on if your hair likes it or not) your having to start over with moisture levels too. or maybe again thats just my hair that requires tons of products for moisture, i cant see rinsing it out every single day and starting from scratch with the products again.

I use to be a daily wetter with african pride and allways 911( a watery leave in) this didnt strip my hair at all though, but since have found that even that was making my hair less managble...i was stuck in the soak -it-to-be-able-to-comb-it cycle. now just a creamy leave in with an oil or butter is more than sufficient...

i never thought i would get away from the soaking wet drippy hair....thank God for hair revelations lol
If it means anything to you Poohbear, I agree with your decision lol

Poohbear said:
Thanks for your response. Now that I think of it, I don't think daily washing is for MY hair either. If I have to go back and forth about whether I should do this or not, then I should just do without. My hair has done fine with wearing a bun and not taking it down until I wash my hair (which is once a week). I was only thinking of daily washing because I heard it's very moisturizing to your hair and can help it grow faster. But I use more products on my hair now that I'm transitioning than ever before, so that would make daily washing pointless if I have to reapply the products over again. Applying products help maintain my hair. I feel like shampooing once a week and clarifying once a month will do the trick for product buildup. As long as I leave my hair alone, I know I'll avoid the breakage and shedding.
Maybe you need a product with some "slip".

Redken Smooth Down Butter Treat

I really liked this product, it adds lots of slip and moisture (but it costs $14 :( )
I have to be at work by 7:30 am every morning. Therefore, I wash my hair at night. Although my hair is relaxed, I get tangles sometimes and maybe not as much as someone who is transitioning to a natural state.

This is how I ensure to reduce tangles...

Step 1
I try my best to remove any tangles with my fingers before I wash it and while it is dry. I gently rub Olive Oil over the tangle and slowly remove each tangle one by one.

Step 2
I get in the shower (standing with my back towards the shower head) and allow the running water to get my hair completely wet before adding any shampoo.

Step 3
I use a moisturizing shampoo and wash once. I never bunch my hair up while lathering, I rinse, and I never repeat.

Step 4
I follow up with a moisturizing conditioner (always doing my best not to bunch or manipulate the hair as I do this).

I don't use a towel on my hair. Before I step out of the shower, I wipe the water off of my body and I leave my hair drenched with the water (of course, I put the towel around my neck).

On the days that I deep condition (UBH conditioner), I wait until after I have rinsed the deep conditioner to use a moisturizing conditioner.

Step 5
I do not comb my hair at all while it is wet. I use my fingers to apply my moisturizers (combined with oils and S-Curl) and braid my hair into sections and air dry with a satin scarf or stocking cap. Even after it is dry, I only use a comb to part my hair.

Step 6
By the time my hair is completely dry, it is time to moisturize again. I reapply the same moisturizers.

I had to experiment with various types of shampoos and conditioners to find out which products worked best for my hair. I have made a lot of mistakes along the way, but I keep improving my regimen each year. It wasn't until I joined this hair board that I realized that I was relaxing my hair too much. I keep thinking to myself that my hair could have been much longer now had I known this fact. O well... You live and you learn.

I repeat these steps every day. I make the time to do my hair. I cannot afford to make excuses, because I do not want to lose my hair ever again (I had a bad experience with my hair in the past).

I hate to sound selfish, but my husband knows that my hair comes first! He is so patient with me. He knows how important it is for me to grow my hair. Most of all, he wants me to have long hair too! He doesn't bother me when I am doing my hair. He gives me the time and the space to make my dreams come true.
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very detailed ydbaldock!!! :yep:

see, I care about my hair and everything but I can't put my hair first! :grin: I don't have the time and patience! If I did my hair everyday, I think I would worry about my hair more and more!

plus, I'm transitioning and styling can be a pain for me when you have thick roots and thin ends.

thanks for your post!!! ;)
I agree with you, girl. I never like having big ol' thick roots. I have to use a scarf or a stocking cap to minimize the fuzz ball look. I have much respect for all of you who are transitioning! I can barely stand waiting 12 weeks to relax my hair. How do you deal with it? I know once you have reached your goal you will rejoice with a happy dance. :dance7:

Poohbear said:
very detailed ydbaldock!!! :yep:

see, I care about my hair and everything but I can't put my hair first! :grin: I don't have the time and patience! If I did my hair everyday, I think I would worry about my hair more and more!

plus, I'm transitioning and styling can be a pain for me when you have thick roots and thin ends.

thanks for your post!!! ;)
ydbaldock said:
I agree with you, girl. I never like having big ol' thick roots. I have to use a scarf or a stocking cap to minimize the fuzz ball look. I have much respect for all of you who are transitioning! I can barely stand waiting 12 weeks to relax my hair. How do you deal with it? I know once you have reached your goal you will rejoice with a happy dance. :dance7:

Thanks girl! :)

The way I deal with my newgrowth is by leaving it alone and only messing with it when it's wet. So that's another reason why I can't be wetting my hair all the time because that would mean I would have to mess with my new growth more! But last night, I did re-do my hair in a rollerset before the week was over, but that was because I didn't like how my hair turned out from a different style I was trying out (I did a braidout from a single braid...didn't look right to me! :nono: ).
So I'll stick with weekly washings and styling my hair in a bun, rollerset or wig. ;)

I surely can't wait to cut this relaxed hair off! :yay: