Daily Wash Hairstyles


New Member
For those of you that wash your hair everyday or something close to that amount of time, what styles do you put your hair in afterwards? I've been reading about daily washes and I would hate to think that heat is being used to dry the hair each time. Air drying the hair can take a while too, so WHAT DO YOU DO?
my hair is usually in cornrows or now threaded....If it was loose I still dry in plaits cause it doesn't get too tangled
Alot of women put their hair up or if they daily wash, they wash at night and use twists, braids, etc and let their hair air dry. I know that when I get longer hair and when I daily wash,which I am doing now, I am going to use buns and twist up do's to let my hair dry.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Alot of women put their hair up or if they daily wash, they wash at night and use twists, braids, etc and let their hair air dry. I know that when I get longer hair and when I daily wash,which I am doing now, I am going to use buns and twist up do's to let my hair dry.

Well I've done this a few times and try not to do it too often (air drying over night). My hair never dries all the way and it's not even that thick (fine texture). I get tired of the buns and braidouts.
blaqbarb said:
Well I've done this a few times and try not to do it too often (air drying over night). My hair never dries all the way and it's not even that thick (fine texture). I get tired of the buns and braidouts.

I think Sylver 2 has a method of hair drying longer hair that lets it dry quite straight without the heat....also Isis (I think) puts her hair in the ponytail rollerset (thingies) there should be a description in their fotkis
I mostly wear buns, but sometimes I just let it air dry loose and wear it curly. For a sleeker, barely wavy look I air dry with my hair banded and then remove the bands when it's dry.
Sometimes I just cowash and then leave my hair loose to air dry. But usually I put my hair up after cowashing in the morning. Then I let it down in the evening to finish airdrying. Infrequently, I will band my hair.