Daily rinsing


New Member
Ok, I know this is supposed to help your hair grow & I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question but here goes: If I do daily rinsing in the shower, do I have to detangle my hair daily? Would it be good to comb your hair that much? Also, do you do this in the morning or afternoon? Someone, please help....
marygrove013 said:
Ok, I know this is supposed to help your hair grow & I hope this doesn't sound like a silly question but here goes: If I do daily rinsing in the shower, do I have to detangle my hair daily? Would it be good to comb your hair that much? Also, do you do this in the morning or afternoon? Someone, please help....

Whether you detangle your hair daily or not all depends on your hair texture, how proned to tangles your hair is, and the water pressure of your shower head, and more factors.

I have been battling with this concept myself. At first, I thought I should detangle daily because my hair is very tightly coiled.

Well, a day ago, I found out that I do not have to detangle anymore because of the shower head. This saves me much time now. I found that the way that the holes in the shower head are placed really makes a difference. If the holes are tiny and only go around the edge of the showerhead, I may have to detangle. If the holes are bigger and situated all over the surface underneath the showerhead, not just around the edges, I dont have to detangle. Also, the more pressure there is from the shower, I do not have to detangle.

See, right now, Im in Paris France and the showerhead is different than the one I have at home. I like the one here in France because the water flow detangles my hair for me. I just rinse my hair, put it in a puff and go. Hopefully, I cqn find out a way to make my showerhead at home do this same effect or I will try to see if there is a showerhead lin the stores like the one here in my hotel in France.

Hope that helps.
I don't think it would be good to comb your wet hair that much. Since wet hair is so fragile and prone to breaking I wouldn't dare to detangle it wet on a daily basis. If you must rinse daily I would just rinse and that's it or maybe finger comb it. That's a lot of manipulation to be putting your hair through. Just curious but how do you figure daily rinsing makes your hair grow?
I never detangle the days I only rinse my hair. I only detangle when i have conditioner in my hair, which is once maybe twice a week.
umm if i dont detangle my hair daily, it would be full of tangles on the next day i decided to detangle and ill have hair flying all over the place i detagle every single day to prevent my hair from gettingmore tangles and i dont lose more than a minute amount of hair whenever i detangle. sometimes, i dont even lose any hair. im natural btw
toosexy1 said:
umm if i dont detangle my hair daily, it would be full of tangles on the next day i decided to detangle and ill have hair flying all over the place i detagle every single day to prevent my hair from gettingmore tangles and i dont lose more than a minute amount of hair whenever i detangle. sometimes, i dont even lose any hair. im natural btw

Yup. Me too.

I have no problems with detangling my wet hair daily. I hardly lose any hair. In fact, I lose less hair now than I did when I used to brush/comb my dry hair, which I never do now. I do not use brushes or combs outside of detangling in the shower, not even for styling. Of course, you must be gentle with your hair, but that's with everything you do.
I'm relaxed and I also have to detangle daily. If I don't I get big ol hairballs in my head.:(

I only detangle when wet, I lose a lot less hair doing it this way. I've tried combing and brushing when dry oh or Lordy did I lose handfuls!

So I just take my time and detangle correctly.

Someone said it before that if you treat your hair like the finest silk it will continually reward you. (wish the search feature was working)
