Daily Prayers for Everyone...Coming Together as One

Daily Word -


I am living in the light of God.

The light of God within me casts out all fear readily and completely. I am filled with the light of divine wisdom.

Whenever a seeming challenge does appear, the revealing light of God directs me to look past the appearance of what I am experiencing with my senses. The illumination of Spirit is the source of my inner light.

It is through my oneness with God that I realize the greatest possible sense of security. Therefore, I do not act from fear-based thoughts or beliefs. I invite God to shine the light of understanding so that I know the truth.

Wherever I am today, wherever I go, I have clarity of thought and the true understanding that I am living in the light of God.
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"I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them."

--Isaiah 42:16

Reference source: www.dailyword.com

Angels: My Lord! Now don't we just love our God? How He loves us so... He just said that He will make it happen for us. He will and that He will never forsake us.

The God of our Universe...who Rules the Universe...who freely gives us the Universe and all that's dwells therein.

Instead of asking the Universe, all we have to do is simply...'Ask Him', whose answer to us is, 'Yea and Amen'...our loving Father in Heaven."

Loving hugs to each of you...Shimmie...:)

Just ask and you shall receive what you believe...from Him.

Sweet Angels, here's another...I love this one:

Today's Daily Word - Monday, July 24, 2006


One with the presence of God and one in spirit with all people, I am forgiving.

Each time I forgive, I eliminate the experience of negative energy that is generated by blaming or faulting myself or another.

In prayer and contemplation, I release any resentment toward others and any regret or guilt toward myself for things I have done or left undone. Having released all critical, unforgiving thoughts from my mind, I make room for peace, love, and good to fill my life.

My ability to forgive myself and be in balance spiritually is deeply related to my willingness to forgive others. And that willingness to forgive others is deeply related to my awareness that I am an expression of God's love and power.

One with the presence of God and one in spirit with all people, I am forgiving.

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"Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors."

--Matthew 6:11-12

Reference Source: www.dailyword.com

Angels, let's love and forgive...beginning with me. I forgive and I love...
In Jesus' Holy name, Amen.
"Prosperity" (is yours - freely given)

Abundant blessings flow to me and through me. I welcome my prosperity.

There is a balance attained in giving and receiving that is evident in prosperity. I truly am an instrument of God as I accept and share the abundance of the Creator.

I welcome my prosperity by being a clear and receptive channel of blessings.

I give with ease because I know God meets my every need.

With joy I allow the wisdom, love, and creativity of God to move through me and out to others.

Giving expression to divine qualities within me, I don't have to strive to produce prosperous results.

I know that I am not only in the flow of God's blessings, I am also a contributor to that flow. I both give and receive blessings.

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"Happy are the people to whom such blessings fall;
happy are the people whose God is the Lord."

--Psalm 144:15

Reference Source:


Angels, you are each a Royal Priesthood...all that you need has been freely given; and all found in Him. Lord God All Mighty...of all. Amen.
Prayer for Peace

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh Dear God, lead us from darkness to light.

Oh Lord God almighty,

May there be peace in our homes,
May there be peace in our marriages,
May there be peace in our families,
May there be peace in our businesses,
May there be peace in our recreation,
May there be peace in our travel,
May there be peace in our finances,

May there be peace in all that surrounds us,
and pertains, to sustain us, here on earth...

May there be peace in celestial regions.
May there be peace on earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome, and
May trees and plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.

May thy Law propagate peace all through the world.

May all things be a source of peace to us.

And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all,

and may that peace come to me also.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen...


Angels of love and light, for God has promised, "I came to give you peace, not as the world gives, for the peace I give cannot be taken away.

Peace that surpasses all understanding, through all of the issues of life and living...Amen.​
Today's Daily Word - Thursday, July 27, 2006


I am poised, strengthened, and at peace.

There is a common expression that experience is the best teacher. I see the experiences of my past as resources that will help me make wise choices in the future. Even an experience that I consider a mistake shows me what not to do.

Seeming mistakes help me learn to trust my resilience and they contribute to my wisdom.

Devoting time to meditation, prayer, and contemplation, I make choices from an inner place of wisdom and peace.

These are spiritual experiences that help me obtain a deep awareness of God that cannot be undone by any outer condition.

In conscious communion with God, I understand my relationship with God and my relationships with the people in my life.

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"Talk no more so very proudly, ... for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighed." --1 Samuel 2:3


God's awareness cannot be UNDONE by anyone...

Now, that's what I'm talking about....;) No other God.
He is Our "Peace"

Jehovah Shalom

Peace is one of the most powerful words in the Bible.

We often hear the phrases "peace and quiet" and "peace of mind," but these expressions suggest only a limited view of peace.

Shalom, the Hebrew word that is translated peace, encompasses much more. Shalom includes completeness, soundness, safety, health, tranquility, contentment, and friendship.

When we have Shalom we have everything we need.

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Ephesians 2:14-18 (NRSV)

For He is our peace; in His flesh He has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.

He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace, and might reconcile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it.

So He came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through Him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father.


To this we simply say...Amen. Father God, we love you too.
Heavenly Father, I come before tonight as your child. A child who is needing of your touch, your revjunenation, your spirit. What I have in You is priceless, no man can ever replace or try to outdo your favor. Thank you for favor. Thank you for favor despite the fact that I DON'T even deserve it. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in a ministry- I will not allow that to go to waste or turn it into show business. Thank you for this forum. I ask that you bless each and every one of the members' lives; whether it'd be emotional, spiritually, or financially. Lord Jesus just be there with us as you have always been.

I love you.
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Today's Devotional


“Have you not heard how I ordained long ago what now I have brought to pass.” 2 Kings 19:25 Amplified Bible

As Assyria threatened Judah, King Hezekiah cried out to God for help. As a result, He sent Isaiah to deliver a message: “Because you have prayed to Me about Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard you” (v. 20). And He told Hezekiah that “long ago” He knew what would happen.

He had already ordained the things He now was bringing to pass. It’s difficult for us to comprehend the timelessness of God.

With our human limitations, we don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next, but the Lord exists outside of time. His sovereignty is so complete that He’s able to ordain events and order them into a sequence of His choosing.

This is why God could assure Hezekiah that he didn’t need to be afraid of Assyria. And it’s also why we can confidently entrust our lives to Him today.

Today, are you carrying any burdens about your life and the situations you are going through?

Are you depending on your human reasoning instead of the wisdom of God?

Are you allowing events to control you and worrying about what will happen?

No matter how things look on the surface, God wants you to realize that He has “ordained long ago” what He is bringing to pass in your life. You can fully trust your life to Him.

Make sure to commit all of your needs to God. Do not give in to despair or worry, but trust in Him. As you bring your worries to Him in prayer, go ahead and praise Him for His answers! Focus your energies on obeying, serving, and trusting in Him. Allow Him to take your burdens away and give you His peace.

Today's Prayer

God, help me to trust in You. Thank You that You have a plan for my life. Help me to obey You and serve You with the time, talent, and treasure You have given me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Extended Reading: 2 Kings 19

Reference Source: www.insptoday.com[url] ___________... all of my heart, Love, "Shimmie..." (Amen).
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Angels, never give up hope....

"Hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us."

--Romans 5:5

I don't care what the devil has lied to you about. Don't any of you dare give up hope. For what God has promised you, believe and receive that it IS surely coming to pass. And not a day or a moment too late.

Don't give up on your husband.
Don't give up on his Dreams.
Keep your husband encouraged.

Keep your loved one encouraged;
the man God has called you to.

Don't give up on your Dream to be happily married...
Singles do not dare give up.

Don't give up on your sons and daughters.

Don't give up on your finances.

Don't give up on your new home.

Don't you dare give up on your church and
the ministry that God has called you to.

Do not give up...for God has already laid the plan for your Destiny of success in this life.

Don't give up.

You're too close...closer than it seems...
Closer than you've ever been...

Don't Give Up!

Loving hugs and blessings to all...'Shimmie..." ;)

Don't give up...for your hope will not disappoint you...all because of God and His Holy Spirit which has been poured upon and within you and your Dreams.

Don't Give Up... Give it one more try...but not give it 'up'...:)
For You Angels...

Still Waters

God restores my soul.

Today I give myself a gift of time: the time to rest in oneness with God. I find a quiet place and become still. With each breath I take, I relax more and feel more in touch with God's presence.

I think of quiet, peaceful, green pastures. I close my eyes and imagine I am walking there. A gentle breeze blows through the grasses and over me. The warmth from the radiant sun above is comforting.

I rest beside the still waters of a pond. I am quiet too. I feel rejuvenated. As I relax my body, my mind becomes more at ease. My soul is restored.

I now open my eyes, aware of the presence of God in my life at all times in all places. The precious, peaceful presence of God restores my soul.

"He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul."
--Psalm 23:2-3

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Reference: www.dailyword.com
Our Source and Comfort...One who never fails. Because He loves you so...;)
No matter who you are, He loves you so...just that much and more...:) Amen.
Today's Daily Word - Thursday, August 10, 2006

Let Go, Let God

I let go and let God guide me in new experiences and accomplishments.
Have I ever had the experience of thinking I had released a situation only to find that a word or phrase or action brings it rushing back?

The truth is that I am a work in progress and I am making progress each day. When I need a loving reminder that all negativity from the past should remain in the past, I turn to God for assurance.

Whatever issues I have been working on, God is the solution. So I let go and let God. God is the light that shines on me and on everyone around me.

In the peaceful glow of divine light, I release the thoughts and feelings that have been holding me back. I accept that I have a new life in Spirit, a life filled with new experiences and accomplishments.
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"But now we are ... dead to that which held us captive, so that we are slaves not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit."
--Romans 7:6


Let is go, precious one. Let it go. Whoever, whatever, Dearest one, let it go. God will take 'good' care of it. No matter what it is, God will not tear or destroy what means so much to you...now...let it go. Into our Father's hands...let it go.

Loving cares...