Daily/frequent washers and breakage?


Well-Known Member
I'm having some breakage. I just started doing the every other day co washes and was wondering if you had a lot of breakage before did you notice less breakage when you started washing more frequently?
I co-wash maybe 1-2 times a week. I slowed down because my hair was becoming very soft, pliable, and mushy feeling. Too much conditioner can cause that and that could lead to breakage.
I have been cowashing everday for the last 4+ years with no issues texlaxed, relaxed, and natural. Now I poo, co-wash, and detangle daily. My hair has only gotten better. :look:
When I started with daily co-washes, my breakage increased. After studying and working with my hair, here's what I found:

1) No manipulation WHATSOEVER if you're going to daily co-wash. I basically apply a leave-in, cover with a silk scarf. Then in the morning or if I have to go out, I wear a wig. You may be able to get away with Braid-outs & such.

2) Must include protein. From what I gather, protein holds the bonds of your hair together and when that bond has weakened, breakage occurs. So, I have to include a light protein treatment 1ce or 2ce a week. Light protein for me = ORS Hair Mayo or Aveda Damage Remedy.

3) KISS, dahling! Minimize the number and quantity of products you load into your hair after you co-wash. Loading tons of products weighs down your strands and may cause breakage. Just think how easy it is for your comb to snap your strands when your strands are weighed down.

4) Don't forget to clarify 1ce/month or more often if you have hard water. When my breakage increases, I clarify and do a protein & moisturizing DC.

That's all I can think of now. Remember, these were my experiences and now I have very little to no breakage when I co-wash daily. BTW, i have fine hair so you might want to take that into consideration.
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Daily washing does not work for me. I do however, try to wash 2-3 times a week with a rollerset and no problem.
Thanks for your responses that's something to think about. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I have been cowashing everday for the last 4+ years with no issues texlaxed, relaxed, and natural. Now I poo, co-wash, and detangle daily. My hair has only gotten better. :look:


Are you still shampooing everyday? I was wondering how this is working out for you? I upped my pooing to 3xs a week and it works! I believe it's only because I have FINALLY found the right poo for my hair. Most people here are cowashers (not for me-I get just as much moisture using my poo and con just cleaner hair as well) and was interested to see how daily pooing is working.
