DAILY COWASHERS - please help


Active Member
Just wondering are you detangling everyday while cowashing.. Like combing out shedded hair while cowashing.. Just seems to be so much manipulation to me.. I am new to daily cowashing and just wondering what the other ladies here are doing and looking for some needed advice.:perplexed
I tried cowashing for a week with no combing w/a comb- just finger combing. I had so many clumps of tangles all over my head, it wasn't even funny. Now when I cowash, I am sure to detangle my hair with lots of conditoner.
I don't detangle everytime i cowash only once a week, i keep my hair in twists or plaits when i co wash, never loose hair and my hair stays detangled until wash day.
I find that my detangling increases as my time between relaxers increases. It's very important to keep up with detangling. Of course it doesn't have to be a rough process- go slow and take your time. In fact I think that keeping up with detangling in this manner can save hair in the long run. I usually detangle with my fingers and lots of conditioner under the shower head several times a week. Maybe once or twice a week I will detangle in the same conditions using a shower comb. I lose very little hair in the process usually no more than 10 strands each time. I believe that if your hair is in good shape, it should be able to stand up to this type of low manipulation.
i have to detangle with a comb because my hair will come out in clumps by the end of the week too many knots
I cowash daily and I don't detangle daily. I fingercomb my hair while the Wen is in it, and when I'm finished I bun. I use a shower comb about once a week. I think the fact that I bun after fingercombing keeps my hair "controlled" -- it isn't loose to tangle.
My hair is in twists during week days when I cowash, so I don't detangle. I get minimal tangling when I undo the twists at the end of the week, especially since I've started undoing the twists under the shower head (thanks Oooop!).

I think when I tried to undo them dry, I got tangling more because the hair is twisted around itself with no lubrication rather than because of cowashing.
I detangle mostly while I have conditioner in my hair. Although I do sometimes detangle after I've gotten most of the water out of my hair. The key for me is, to keep my hair flowing in the same direction as the water. I lean my head back and let the water do most of the work.
I also don't 'mush' my hair around too much when I add the conditioner. I lean my head back and add the conditioner in the same direction as my hair is going. If I manipulate too much, then it tangles badly.
I've been cw'ing daily and i usually detangle with the wide tooth comb, but I always have shed hair.. little to no strands without the bulb, but i was just a bit perplexed if this was too much manipulation.. Thanks to all you ladies for the quick responses
I co-wash everyday and I have learned to kinda saturate my hair with the conditioner and when I detangle I make sure that the water is running down my hair and I detangle in the same direction the water is flowing. that helps and I detangle with my fingers first then with my comb.
When I conditioner wash I put on the conditioner and then I finger comb it under the running water, then I take my wide tooth comb and comb from the middle of my hair to the roots, I usually don't have to start at the top of my head because the water smooths that.
my hair doesnt tangle that much at all to begin with, so i normally just co wash everyday by first allowing the shower water to do its thing. the water usually gets rid of any minor tangles i may have. then i use a comb just to make sure. Usually takes me no more than a min or two to detangle. :)
I finger-detangle every time I co-wash, usually with the help of the showerhead. Only use the comb if there is a bunch of bad tangles.
I cowash 4 times a week and detangle on every cowash day - finger comb while rinsing out con and comb with a wide tooth comb after applying leave-in. I am transitioning so I am dealing with both relaxed and natural hair... maybe when I am natural, I can get away with not detangling every cowash day - I could cowash in twists or something - but until then, I detamgle every cowash day.
I rarely comb my hair; maybe once or twice a month. I normally finger comb it and run the conditioner though it during the co-washes(3-4 a week). Also I am wearing two strand twists so that is when I detangle as well; during the twisting process.
I co wash 2 -3 times a week. I carefully detangle with my shower comb while washing out the conditioner. I'll sometimes detangle in the shower water before I start cowashing. I have a hair catcher and will sometimes inspect the hairs to make sure it's more shedding than breakage.
I dont get that many tangles in my hair, but I comb my hair when i cowash which I guess is "detangling." It always goes straight through (only takes about 30 seconds) so I think it's more of a preemptive strike. I might try not detangling for a couple days. I think when it gets longer it'll be more prone to tangles.
Hmmm. When I co-wash daily I only manipulate my scalp and let the rest run down the shaft of my hair. I never have many tangles ( I'm relaxed ). When I'm finished I put in my leave-in and use my goody jojoba brush, which is seamless. I sometimes get some loose strands in the brush but rarely.

Maybe you are manipulating your hair too much. Plus you may need to change combs or brushes.