Dabur Vatika Root Strengthening Shampoo - Just Say No


Well-Known Member
I have been reading a little about ayurvedic hair care and I've been on the look-out for herbs and oils. I don't know of any Indian stores downtown Brooklyn, but there's quite a few Middle Eastern stores that are known to sell Indian imports. I visited one today and picked up a bottle of the Dabur Vatika Root Strengthening Shampoo, because I've recently read a review of it somewhere on the internet, and the reviewer recommended it. I immediately turned it around to read the ingredients. I simultaneously picked up another Dabur Vatika product that interested me and I started reading that one first. It was some sort of coconut oil mix, and one of the first ingredients listed was mineral oil. I thought I had read it wrong. I slowly read it again and sure enough, amongst all of these "exotic" oils, right up there on top was mineral oil. I went back to the Root Strengthening shampoo and the first thing I noticed on the bottom was "For Export Only". Hmmmmm...what's in this product that they won't use on themselves. I see sulfate this, choloride that, silicone this, but the kicker was FORMALDEHYDE. Seriously? :spinning: Are they seriously still putting this in cosmetics?!?!?! I've seen some pretty bad ingredient lists, but this one offended me so bad I left the store immediately.

I've heard of 'bootleg' hair products that were made by companies that are not the company they are claiming to be. I do not know what the situation was with this product, but thank goodness it clearly listed all of it's horrible ingredients.

I am so glad to have reached the point where I read labels and not just company claims. I implore all naturals, relaxed, transitioning, texlaxed and jheri curled ladies to READ THE LABEL before you buy!
"for export only" was the bottle in english only?

Most indian products have hindi and english on them.


also maybe you have that for export only tag to thank for the ingredient list:nono:
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Most of those ayurvedic oils use mineral oil as the base or in them. Especially the mass produced ones. And dyes. Apparently holistic can only be believed if its bright bright green!
Most of those ayurvedic oils use mineral oil as the base or in them. Especially the mass produced ones. And dyes. Apparently holistic can only be believed if its bright bright green!

Yes I am reading about this right now. I wanted to see how common that was, and I am seeing it is pretty common. No thanks! I'll make my own. This is where that DIY ethic comes in handy.

Yes, it was in English. I had a white label over the bottle that had the ingredients listed, I don't know what it said under that label or what language that was in. The front of the bottle was all English.