Dabur Jasmine Hair Oil

january noir

Sunny On a Cloudy Day

I went to my local Indian grocer to buy some jasmine oil (saw some weeks ago and decided to get it tonight). The item I went to get was not there but they had the Dabur Jasmine Hair Oil. It says to apply to the hair for at least an hour and then shampoo. The label says it keeps hair nourished, long and excitingly fragrant. It smells divine to me. Anyone familiar with it or tried it?

I purchased it and will use it sometime next week after I henna and indigo my hair tomorrow.
I was checking out that oil yesterday, but remembering how stinky Dabur Amla Oil is, I just put it back - didn't dare open it in the shop for a quick whiff.
Miss*Tress said:
I was checking out that oil yesterday, but remembering how stinky Dabur Amla Oil is, I just put it back - didn't dare open it in the shop for a quick whiff.

Actually, it does have a scent that is a cross between the Amla and the Amla Lite with a jasiminey fragrance. I happen to like the scent of Amla Oil, all types! :) The Dabur Amla Lite smells heavenly! :p
Hey there, January Noir! (and fellow PJ)! :lol:

TOO funny (coincidence), I too was in the Indian grocery store yesterday and was looking at all the stuff I could get into. I happened to pick up the Dabur jasmine oil too, and it smells wonderful. Since I didn't know what it was good for, I didn't buy it, but I came close!

Have fun with your henna and indigo tomorrow! :D
Hey, JN!

Yes, you know I did it! I bought some Dabur Jasmine oil; I have been using a small amount on my cornrows mixed with Kemi Oyl and CD Tui Hair oil; it smells SO good! :)

Hope all is well with ya! :)
tricie said:
Hey, JN!

Yes, you know I did it! I bought some Dabur Jasmine oil; I have been using a small amount on my cornrows mixed with Kemi Oyl and CD Tui Hair oil; it smells SO good! :)

Hope all is well with ya! :)

Hello Tricie Love! (you make me happy!)
I'm fine. How bout you? I am happy that one of my favorite peeps' has fragrantly delicious hair. Isn't it wonderful?!
I might have to try that CD Tui Hair Oil if you say so...:lol:
Hello Tricie Love! (you make me happy!)
I'm fine. How bout you? I am happy that one of my favorite peeps' has fragrantly delicious hair. Isn't it wonderful?!
I might have to try that CD Tui Hair Oil if you say so...

You are too sweet! :wave: Hope you are doing well; alls well here!

Yes, girl, the Jasmine oil is divine! And such a great deal for $3.99! And not to mention, I bought it from a brand new Indian store that I found; the folks there are so nice!

I love the Tui hair oil; you can get a trial size bottle for about either $6 or $8 (no, it ain't cheap) or a big one (12oz, I think) for like $16; it has flowers floating in it; it is as pretty as it is wonderfully fragrant! If you like the jasmine, you'll like this!
I haven't tried the Dubur Jasmine Oil but I have the Paracute Jasmine Oil and like it except for the smell. Jasmine is not my favorite fragrance. But DH likes it.
blackbarbie said:
I have never used this particular oil but I use the Dabur Vatika Hair Oil and I love the scent of it.

I don't care if you put horse caca on your hair..
I am clearly going to do exactly what you are doing. Your hair is amazing.:lol::grin::D
Cleve_gryl said:
Is the jasmine oil light or is it heavy like alma oil? How are you using it?

It's on the heavy side like Amla oil. The directions say to apply 1-2 spoonfuls throughout the hair and let it sit for at least an hour and then shampoo it out. I haven't tried it any other way, except I use a lot more. I would think you could apply overnight just like the Amla, but the scent might become overpowering after a while for some people with sensitive noses. I love it though!