D. Shy Girl you are doing it!!!

lol ladies my regimen is probably the most simplistic one...

I wash every week using MNT and sometimes elucence...condition using MNT or Elucence....

spray some Fantasia leave in moisturizer conditioner, rub my oil mtg mix in there, and some heat protectant..than blow dry...while its a little damp still than I rub some BBD stretch in there and finish blowdrying...

I co wash sometimes, when my hair really needs it...especially when im wearing a weave....

I use protective styles alot, 95 percent of the time im wearing asew-in or a fall or a wig....Once my hair gets to desired length I will wear it out more....but i want to retain as much length as i can while im getting it there...

daily maintenance i rub some BBD stretch in my hair, rub MTG oil mixture on my scalp while i massage it....put it in a ponytail and wrap it in my silk scarf

thats it...
its pretty simple...before i was doing something different everyday but Im just sticking with what works now...
They work well for me...what about wigs that might be better for you??
london honey said:
the protective styles seem to be working well 4 u. Weaves etc dont work for me, my hair gets jealous and breaks off. :(
Your hair has made a 360 degree turn around from your color breakage. Youre doing a wonderful job with your hair! Whatever youre doing dont stop!