cutting the ends


New Member
:confused: I know this might sound dumb to u hair lovers, but
How does cutting the ends make hair grow faster, if hair grows from the roots??
Hi Nita,
I don't think that trimming your ends makes your hair grow faster. Trimming helps keep it healthy and elimate further damage by stopping the hair from splitting any further up the hair shaft. It also gives for a healthier appearance. I'm sure some of the other ladies on the forum will provide better details than simple ole me ;)
It is a myth that cutting hair makes hair grow faster.

Cutting your ends does not make your hair grow faster. It prevents further splitting of the hair shaft if you have a damaged head of hair.

People cut ends for a neater appearance. In many cases, if you maintain proper maintenance of your hair with constant moisturizing, you may significantly reduce the amount of trimming all together and retain your growth.
I agree with the above responses. It doesn't grow faster, just helps you keep it on your head! Sometimes when we say hair is "growing faster", it's because we're retaining more length from healthier habits. Some of 'em scissor happy stylists just make you trim your hair unecessarily so they can charge that extra $10.
SerenityBreeze said:
It is a myth that cutting hair makes hair grow faster.

Cutting your ends does not make your hair grow faster. It prevents further splitting of the hair shaft if you have a damaged head of hair.

People cut ends for a neater appearance. In many cases, if you maintain proper maintenance of your hair with constant moisturizing, you may significantly reduce the amount of trimming all together and retain your growth.

Yeah what she said. :)
Well what that was relating to was, if you were going to cut then do it at those times. Then you would be catching the hair in a growth spurt thus not missing the length you just took off. Like cutting the hay. Then it was going to be growing right back in fast so a s to beable to catch another good harvest later in the summer. Moon cylcles and their effects on are not a myth.
My mother always believed in the "cutting your hair during a full moon" too. I've never tried it. That's something that's never on my mind. When I cut my hair I just do it when it's needed. And yes I agree with the others. I don't think cutting your hair makes it grow any faster. My hair does however look healthier.
SerenityBreezeIt is a myth that cutting hair makes hair grow faster. [/b said:
Cutting your ends does not make your hair grow faster. It prevents further splitting of the hair shaft if you have a damaged head of hair.

People cut ends for a neater appearance. In many cases, if you maintain proper maintenance of your hair with constant moisturizing, you may significantly reduce the amount of trimming all together and retain your growth.
A big MYTH!