Cut it or wait??


Well-Known Member
hello ladies,
Id like your opinion on this. I have been growing my hair for quite some time and its finally past my shoulders. My problem is (and I think its stress related) is that in the last few months is has thinned out quite a bit. Before it started thinning, it wasnt super thick to begin with bc its different lengths, the bottom(back and sides) is the longest and the top and sides have a lot of catching up to do!

My question to u is should I suck it up and cut 2-3 inches so it will look thicker again(Huge setback) and hope it will grow in thicker, or should I just hold out, keep wearing protective styles,etc. and wait for it to thicken up on its own?

My stylist told me I have some mild breakage in the back/middle...but when that middle part grows longer my ends will be nice and thick. what would u do if u were me?
I am going through the same thing. Last weekend I decided to chop. I am not at chin length but it's healthy and much better looking. Girl you can nurture it back to health and length in no time.
if you are constantly wearing protective styles trim the unsaveable damaged parts and keep rockin the bun

but dont walk around looking a mess if you wear your hair down often Chop it and go.

but whatever you do make sure you are comfortable with it
I agree with msportugal, but only if you wear your hair up. I experienced some thinning and breakage on one side of my hair, and the stylist wanted to cut it. I decided not to cut it because I wear my hair up, most of the time and have slowly nursed it back to health.
msportugal said:
if you are constantly wearing protective styles trim the unsaveable damaged parts and keep rockin the bun

but dont walk around looking a mess if you wear your hair down often Chop it and go.

but whatever you do make sure you are comfortable with it

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thx for the advice ladies. I did a little dusting today, and its not really that bad. Its just that Id like to wear it down and have it look full all over, and the only way it has a lot of body is if I rollerset. It looks good from the front and sides but the back needs some work. I dont like to flat iron it anymore bc it makes it look even thinner!

I dont know why this is happening, Ive been taking great care of it(deep conditioning every week), rocking protective styles at least 80% of the time and rarely use heat. But I started nursing school in the fall and the stress may be the cause. Its difficult bc we have to keep an 80 average or we are out of the program--so all I do is study study study and stress stress stress(especially on test days!) I havent been taking my vitamins either.

I need to get those b complex vitamins out, right? those are supposed to be what your body needs when under stress, huh?

hopefully it will recover in a few months. *fingers crossed*