I'm stuck in the middle and I just want to cut it off

Bre Bre,

You are in a trance,

you will follow my commands,

stay far away from the scissors, :D :D

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*Bre~Bre* said:
Our hair is soo alike, even the growth pattern seems similar! I started out with a short pixie cut in February and now my hair is the same shape and length as yours. Like you I have been tempted to cut and actually have several times since February (I would say maybe a total of about 4 inches). Hang in there chica!!! We will be swanging our hair in no time. We are really close!
we should be hair growth buddies hahhaha.

im trying, im trying to hang in there but when you walk around and see all of these girls with their hair just SWANGIN' or girls with awesome haircuts, its just so hard!
tsmith said:
Who cares what people think?

*let me clarify myself:-)...Don't worry about what people think..but a fake bun will work perfect for the baggy..HTH

my sentiments exactly...
1. Do not cut your hair!!!
2. Hang in there
3. This is an awkward stage but keep your eyes on the goal: LONG HAIR!
4. wear your hair down for your baby for a day and put that joker back up!! lol :-)

you can go to my album to check my fake buns. It is boring but hey- it will do for now. (it's just temporary)

I so needed this thread. I'm in the EXACT same situation. I so feel your pain. I try to pull my hair back in clips, but it sticks out all over and these mid length layers are a mess to try to style. I was just thinking on my way home that I was gonna just hack it all off and have short hair forever. I'm so glad you posted this. If ladies like Sylver2 can remember this phase then I know it's possible to grow beautifully past it. Hang in there girl! We'll make it!


My hair is in the same spot and I am equally as annoyed and frustrated. I feel like things will be so much easier when I get to shoulder length. When I wear my hair out it just looks crazy and poofy w/ thinner ends (thanks to Affirm:mad: .) I'm just trying to focus on thickness, losing the split ends and overall hair health. Anyway, don't give up, all us shorthaired girls will get to where we want to be. I just have to keep reminding myself that everybody has to start from somewhere. HTH
Erin, don't be discouraged. I am almost in the same boat, but I am not able to put my hair in a ponytail. Your hair looks beautiful. Try using castor oil along w your cocnut oil. The combo may help with the temple area. Using a mix of MTG and castor oil, my nape has thickened and grew one inch since I removed my forced ponytail. You will be surprised at your progress. Do not give up.
I've been there growing out a short cut. At that length, I'd suggest headbands and barrett to help style. Try curlier styles, not tight curls, small curls necessarily, but big, full curls that create swirls, show off layers, that don't require a flat slick look. Use funky parts in the front/top of your hair to create style and pin back using stylish barretts/clips.