Curve Salon Techniques? Who's Been?


New Member
Curve Salon Techniques? Who\'s Been?

I visit the Curve Salon web site off and on, and really like most of the before-and-afters on there. I have type 4A hair that is natural. Right now, I am wearing two-strand twist extensions. I like the look of their silkener so much that I am considering a possible chemical application in the future to attain that look, but I have some questions, particularly for those who have been to Curve and can offer an experiential perspective.

1) I have heard that they use Affirm relaxer for two minutes for the silkener. Is this true? If so, how is it applied? What is their methodology?

2) What exactly is "fingerstyling"?

3) Are the products they sell (Miss Jessie) really necessary to attain and maintain the styles they do?
Re: Curve Salon Techniques? Who\'s Been?

I see that you're a new member,....Welcome aboard!
Anyway, trying pm'ing (private messaging) "BKLYNQUEEN"- she just got a silkener at Curve salon the other day and she says that she loves it. I don't think that she posted her pics yet, but send her a private message and ask her about that! Sorry I couldn't help!
Re: Curve Salon Techniques? Who\'s Been?

Finger-styling is using your fingers instead of a comb or brush to style your hair. It's my preferred method.