Curve-salon children and naturals

The little girl's hair is beautiful! Both before and after...
Also, the grey haired lady's hair on page 3 is stunning as well.
I can hardly tell the difference between the Silkener pics and the pics where they have just used Hair Pudding/Butter Cream. That just makes me more convinced that it's all in the styling technique, not necessarily the products.
Everyone looks wonderful in those pictures!
I thought it was funny that the little girl's dad had cut her a bang! He must not have done a good job. Her hair looks nice!
What a cute little girl! Great hair.

for her father for trying to hook her up with some bangs.
WOW!! Okay, I'm gonna have to break the bank eventually and get this product. Does the product come with directions on how to use it to acheive the looks on their site?
ms_kenesha said:
WOW!! Okay, I'm gonna have to break the bank eventually and get this product. Does the product come with directions on how to use it to acheive the looks on their site?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never seen any. But the curly pudding better be off the hook for the $50 it costs just for 16 oz.
You got that right! I'm tempted to buy it myself. When my hair was natural and I air-dried, my hair always shrunk up so tight my head hurt.
The natural ladies on their site don't look like they have much shrinkage. It looks like a texturizer in some cases. I liked the grey-haired lady's pic too. Her hair looks so soft and healthy.

I know that someone previously posted about good substitutes for the Curve salon products, but usually what other people post about does not work on my, I haven't tried it.

If anyone gets these products let us know.
i'm gonna buy it... wish they had some on ebay though. Then i will post the ingredients so we can find a more affordable alternative LOL (anyone want to go in for half?)
Hey ladies!:)

Yes, I have always thought that the Curve Salon in NYC show beautiful hair...infact I was thinking about making them my full time hair salon though I live 270 miles away in Maryland
I think there was a post regarding alternate products to these, let me see if I can find the thread.

Okay I just saw where the alternatives were mentioned. Sorry.
that picture of the little girl is new. I was just on the site last week and it was not there. She is a cutie. My son has hair just like that and I do not want to cut it. It is not that long but the exact same texture and color. I guess I will be purchasing some of that pudding for his hair becuase my husband is getting tired of it and wants me to cut it. I just wish my daughters hair was like that.
Thanx for the reminder. I have this stuff and I'm gonna try it on my daughter's hair today. I'll post some pics.
Honeyhips, which one? Did her hair look like the before picture or did they make it look extra bad for the picture?
I know!!! Everytime I look at pics of women on this board with long, healthy hair and texturizers I think about what my hairdresser tells me to this day, "No, you have to cut all of your hair to get a texturizer and keep it short." Malarkey!
I just broke down and ordered the pudding and buttercreme for my daughter. I'll post b&a pics after I use them.
Do all of you who are purchasing (or your children) have natural hair? I, and probably others are very interested in the results.
TigerLily said:
I know!!! Everytime I look at pics of women on this board with long, healthy hair and texturizers I think about what my hairdresser tells me to this day, "No, you have to cut all of your hair to get a texturizer and keep it short." Malarkey!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh no...that's not true. Malarkey is right!
Yes all of my kids have natural hair. my sons have the sterotypic mixed kids hair and my daughter has fine curly hair but is the texture of caucasian hair. Her curls do frizz and I was using artec smoothing serum or sebastian potion 9 on her hair. Now that it is summer and she is swimming so much I hare to wash it more and actually leave in humectress in the morning beofre she swims to coat the hair and protect it and keep it from turning green, she is blond.
My oldest son has a short hair cut but the other one has long hair to the point where I can make a pony tail. His curls are BEAUTIFUL and I don't want to cut it. He is really the one that I am going to use the products on most. His hair is just like that little girl on the curve web site that is referenced her. I will let you know how it goes, I am just trying to justify spending 50 plus on kids hair products. oh well.....
I love looking at the pics on the Curve website.

But they must be doing something along with the product to stretch out the curl to that length (especially in the pics where the clients have no texturizer). Are they pulling the hair as they blow dry it? What is the curve finger stylng technique??
They really have done a nice job showing what they can do with natural hair. I have to wonder exactly what their "finger styling" method is because it certainly works wonders.