Currently transitioning, wanting to do something drastic


New Member
[ETA: PICS OF CURRENT CUT ]Currently transitioning, wanting to do something drastic

Hello all!

So I am currently transitioning to natural, and would like to BC! However, I don't want to wear a TWA, I know I will have to eventually if I want to grow my hair out long, but I want to rock something funky, kinda like my style. I want to get my hair cut similar to this, but with less hair up top since the length of my natural texture is not long enough.


Now my concern is, when my hair on the sides start to grow out of the nice/clean buzzed cut, what the heck am I supposed to do with the awkward unevenness? :perplexed

I love the look but what styles will help me out once the cut is growing out. I always wondered how people like Lala and Cassie (both celebs) would wear their hair after the buzzed cut grows out to an awkward length say 1-2"...Since I believe I have 3c/4a/possibly 4b (not sure) hair, what's a girl to do?


ETA: Right now I am weaved up, but my real hair is already cut short in the back and chin length in the front. I have a tapered bob. Since it's already short, I figured why not get rid of these damaged relaxed ends and take it up a notch as far as cutting goes

Current cut:

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Having done a cut similar in the past, I am going to tell you strait that it will take a long time for your sides to grow out to grow as long as the rest of your hair. If you don't care about that, go for it, if you like the style.:yep:
I think it's cute, and if it's your look I would go for it..
I do think it would be awkward to grow out, but there was a poster a while ago who shaved one side of her head, but with the long hair on top she could cover the short part if she didn't feel like it anymore. But I agree with DDTexlaxed that it might take longer than you expect to grow it back.

I absolutely love your current cut, though! It brings out your profile so well.
Aw thank you guys! I'll think about it some more. I love the cut the only thing stopping me from getting it is the growing out the sides issue.