Current transitioners... where you all at!?


Well-Known Member
I would like to group up all the current transitioners if I may, to discuss issues, tips that we have thus far encountered on the journey. It would be also very helpful if ex - transitioners could chime in to give some some advice which would be doubly helpful since you guys have been through it already.

I'll start... I'm 32 week post :)

My current issues are air drying, I tried on my last wash to airdry in about 6 braids, which was a complete diaster - is airdrying transitioned hair a "no-no", How to do prefer to dry your trans hair? Think I will just go back to blowdrying.

I want natural hair now, I'm contemplating a BC, but im toooo scared :look:

Another issue, I have is DETANGLING, it is soooo hard, and I lose so much hair... whats the best ways to detangle hair e.g. in prep for a wash.

Im 36 weeks post. I haven't had any major issues yet. I did switch my regimen about a month back and realized that my old one was better so I'm back to the old one now. I have learned that my hair will break without Aussie 3 Min Miracle. I comb it out everyday. I airdry hanging loose and then just comb it out when dry and put it in a ponytail. I wear buns everyday or a wash and go.

A good way to dry is to rollerset it and then wrap it. It may not be completely straight but it should be soft and very manageable. I do this sometimes also....I actually plan to start doing this weekly since it worked out so well for me these past two weeks. I've learned that the reason for my hair's breakage was that my ends were not straight. If I put the ends on the rollers I get zero breakage.
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