Curly Kinks Coil Jam Alternative?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone found something that is similar? Coil Jam has been the only product that allows me to wear a wash n go by elongating and holding my curls, while keeping my hair soft and moving, but now I can't find it anywhere. Curly Kinks says it is in stock, but people have been complaining about not receiving their orders :ohwell:. PLEASE tell me there is an alternative. The wash N go is my main style.
The only gel that works like the Coil Jam for me, is KCCC. I can wear a Washngo for about 7 days if I wanted to with either gel.

Does KCCC not work for you?
The only gel that works like the Coil Jam for me, is KCCC. I can wear a Washngo for about 7 days if I wanted to with either gel.

Does KCCC not work for you?

I hate KCCC. For some reason it makes my hair really tangled and sticky and it doesn't do that great of a job of preventing shrinkage. I tried using less, but it just doesnt work for me

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