Curly Hair Solutions


New Member
Hi everyone,

Has anyone ever tried any of the products on the following webpage

Some of the tips are pretty good. They recommend combing curly hair wet with conditioner in it. They also recommend the use of bone combs. What I really liked was in the before/after pics...the people are still smiling in their before pics and they aren't made to have horrible before hair...just frizzy or untamed.

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I've used his products before and they are ok. I tried the curl keep and it does it's job but I hate the smell...and it maded my hair feel kinda crunchy. The shampoo was so-so the silk protein did nothing for my hair and the curl creme (I forget what it's called but it makes your hair curly) It worked but left huge white flakes all over my hair.
I used curl keeper several years ago when I first started texturizing. It was ok, but not something I purchased again. It was too crunchy. I contacted Jonathon ( I think that's his name) before purchasing and described the type of hairstyle I wanted and he said I'd have to use a lot to do that. I suppose that I really didn't need the product because I already had defined curls.