Best Curly Weave Brands? (pics please)


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

I was just talking with my stylist today about curly weaves. She never wears straight hair in the summer. With humidity and high heat upon us, I am starting to wonder if I should try a curly weave later on... I'm a natural 4Aish texture, and i always leave out some of my own hair for a more natural look. the same would apply for a curly weave.

What brands do you recommend? Any photos? Pros and cons of the brands you've tried?

Off to continue the search... Thanks in advance!
This hair is Milkway Human Hair Brazilian Curl My hair is out on top. I am 4a.

Hope this helps.


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Another brand is Janet Collection Indian Remi Afro Jerry. Wet and Wavy, Zury used to have a nice wet and Wavy hair too, but I dont remember the specifics