New Member
Ok...I've read over and over again that if you have a head full of long curly hair, you need layers and I'm beginning to feel that it is true. One one length long mass of curls just dosn't seem to me that it would look right. However, there are so many people trying to grow out there layers on this board and so many saying that it causes the longest parts to break and so many saying that it makes their hair look thin, that I'm confused I'm texturized and sometimes I wear my hair curly, sometimes wavy, but sometimes I would like to wear my hair straight, but if I get layers, I don't know if my hair would look thin and I don't want to experience all the troubles that people are having. My hair is not at a length right now where I have to worry about it, but when it does get long, what do I do? Are there any long curly haired ladies who'd like to share what cut they have?