Curlformers has brought me to tears.

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I've spent well over $100 on these curlformers, I did them last night on my mom's hair who's a natural with short hair and they were easy to put in her and went in with ease.

So why now today after 3 weeks of wearing an air dried ponytail did I decide to wash and use them on my hair. I tried to use these curlformers only to spend over an hour trying to get in my 4th one. They would not budge for ANYTHING. They were so frustrating that it ripped a chunk of my hair out and the rod broke in half.

I'm so frustrated, that I'm actually in tears. :cry: :cry: I feel so bored with my hair and was looking forward to something different, and now I'm sitting here in an air dried ponytail again.

I just needed to vent.
I'm sorry you had a hard time with them. I have never tried them, so I don't know much about them. Here is a hug though.
I watched LadyK's You Tube video 3 times before I even attempted to put them in my hair. I had problrms when I sectioned off too much hair for the curlformer.
Maybe you had too much hair sectioned off. If you try them again, then I would definitely have someone help me.
Good luck!
PinkSkates can you please point me in the direction of LadyK's video?

Thanks everyone for your support. *sigh* I'm sitting here now trying to figure out my next plan.
Girl ask for help. I'm going to have my hairdresser put them in for me when I eventually do it.
Originally posted by V
PinkSkates can you please point me in the direction of LadyK's video?

Thanks everyone for your support. *sigh* I'm sitting here now trying to figure out my next plan.

If you go on and type in "Curlformers Hair Video" LadyK's will pop up. It should be the very first video.
I feel your pain, I had the same experience, after 3 failed attempts, I had to take mine back. They literally gave me a headache. My hair is really curly on the ends and even when I was able to get my hair through the roller, the ends of my hair were still curly inside of it, and when it dried and I took the roller out, the ends were really frizzy. I had both the Long & Narrow and Long & Wide. I could not get the threader through the Long & Narrow curlformer, it would not go through easily, it's almost like it's too big for the curlformer.

I eventually got more flexirods and they work so much better for my hair. I can get the ends really straight without frizz, and I didn't have a headache aftwards.
Girl ask for help. I'm going to have my hairdresser put them in for me when I eventually do it.

Yeah I did, my mom was a good sport about it she offered to help, drive to go get a replacement rod, and even offered to take me to a stylist tonight to get whatever I wanted done. I just felt really foolish crying over this.

I feel your pain, I had the same experience, after 3 failed attempts, I had to take mine back. They literally gave me a headache. My hair is really curly on the ends and even when I was able to get my hair through the roller, the ends of my hair were still curly inside of it, and when it dried and I took the roller out, the ends were really frizzy. I had both the Long & Narrow and Long & Wide. I could not get the threader through the Long & Narrow curlformer, it would not go through easily, it's almost like it's too big for the curlformer.

I eventually got more flexirods and they work so much better for my hair. I can get the ends really straight without frizz, and I didn't have a headache aftwards.

I'm sorry you went through that. :nono:

I had no choice but to quit tonight because the rod is broken, but tomorrow I'm gonna go buy another rod and try again later this week on dry hair. If after this time, I can't get it, I'll take them back. I tried my flexi rods tonight for the first time and I'm under the dryer now so we'll see how that goes.

If you go on and type in "Curlformers Hair Video" LadyK's will pop up. It should be the very first video.

Thanks I really appreciate it.
oooh, i am so sorry this happened to you...:nono:

try dividing the section you have in half, see if that goes through, if not, try dividing in half again. Also, the hair needs to be VERY wet, so it will be slick going through the curlformer. I had to do this with my hair, 'cause I had trouble at first, took me a long time to get them all in
Viv I so know how you feel I'm sorry that happened. The same thing happened to me the first time I tried to Rollerset.
Thanks ladies for all of the support. I really really appreciate it.

I'm gonna go pick up a replacement rod today and try using them on dry hair and see what happens.
I've spent well over $100 on these curlformers, I did them last night on my mom's hair who's a natural with short hair and they were easy to put in her and went in with ease.

So why now today after 3 weeks of wearing an air dried ponytail did I decide to wash and use them on my hair. I tried to use these curlformers only to spend over an hour trying to get in my 4th one. They would not budge for ANYTHING. They were so frustrating that it ripped a chunk of my hair out and the rod broke in half.

I'm so frustrated, that I'm actually in tears. :cry: :cry: I feel so bored with my hair and was looking forward to something different, and now I'm sitting here in an air dried ponytail again.

I just needed to vent.
im so sorry to hear that!!!!it took me a liltle time to use them also.the key to using these rollers is that you use a small porton of hair at a stick the rod inside the curler..................put the hook at the top of your head...........................then pull it through the roler.................when you take them out ,put your hair at the top of the curler and pull the curler straight.........then the slide it from under the hair.after a few tries its so easy......i use them...i have results in my fotki album...oh make sure you use something like lotty body or a hair lotion...etc....before using the rollers....any other questions feel free to ask..i wish you well.i understand how important hair is to us ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:
Thanks ladies for all of the support. I really really appreciate it.

I'm gonna go pick up a replacement rod today and try using them on dry hair and see what happens.

I broke the rod too the first time I used them--too much hair in each section, I later discovered.
Hey ladies, I just finished putting in the curlformers on dry hair, it definitely was a lot easier this time around, but I'm assuming that that's because it's dry.

I'll check how they come out tonight and try again next week on wet hair.