Curl Mart Shipping


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or has Curl Mart shipping slowed down. I use to order items from them and they would ship out the next day. But now it takes about three days to process before it has shipped.
Speaking of Curlmart, I was gonna put in an order just earlier today for some products and they wanted to charge me damn near $10 for 2 stinkin items!!! I don't remember their shipping being that much. I might have to look for another reputable retailer that sells my beloved Elucence products. :sad:
It makes me second guess buying from them now. Sage ships super quick. CurlMart is slipping ...

Beamodel I only like to purchase doing standard shipping,because CM rates can be pricey.

*I hope sage continue to expand..

Happy Hair Growing!
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CM has definitely slowed way down. The best time (for me) to buy from them is when they offer FREE SHIPPING which they just had this week.:perplexed