Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna know.


Well-Known Member
Curious: Could a Relaxer be safer if only a small amount of activator is used???

Yea, Im going through those moments when being a new natural is getting on my last nerves!!!:lol: So, I started wondering what if I relaxed but didn't use so much of the activator (which is mainly what's not best for the hair). I don't care about bone straight hair. Plus I could add some oils in the mix and WALAHHH I have a semi safer relaxer. After I told myself to sit down with this idea, it really stuck around in my head that I wanted to know the answer. So, LHCFers, let me know if this has been dicussed before or if it would make a (safer) difference? Less activator in a relaxer mix ( much less).
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Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

I don't think you should cut down on activator, if anything just mix in oils to slow the processing.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

wow great thread! can't wait to see what ppl have to say about this.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

I don't think that's a good idea - I don't think it's safer and, if anything, like someone else said, you should cut it with oil rather than messing with the activator.

Why don't you want to stay natural?
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

Basically sounds like you want a texlax. Use all the activator then add oils and halve the processing time no smoothing. I don't think the relaxer would even work without the activator it may just be like putting goo/cream on your hair, no chemical change
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

Agree with above. I had a thread a few days ago. I used JFM texture softner, which is just a relaxer with oil in it and only had it on for the recommended 8 minutes total (fine hair 3-5 minutes application 4 to 5 minutes processing, no smoothing). My texture is not drastically different for before, maybe just elongated. (Im 4b and only relaed for a total of 4 miinutes) I did add twice the oil they said and oil my hair.

I would worry that if you only used half the activator you may not see a diference at all. I figured if the companies are just adding oil to relxer to lessen the effects thay is porbably the way to go.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

So that's my question, if I add more oils and less of the activator I wonder if it would be a less agressive chemical on the hair. My question is stemming from my difficult time managing my 12 year old daughters type 4 c hair (maybe even 4d if there is such a thing...I have never in my life seen curls like's like corkskrew patterns that matt up like dreads. Realistically our lifestyle does not allow for daily wash and go and most times I cannot afford the styling options such as braids and twists that could help us get through the management woes. When I do the styles for her myself like twists it can take hours and it last only a few days. I hate to entertain the idea of leaning back to a texturizer for her but seriously I dont know what to do with her hair. And what irritates me the most is that the only way to manage her hair is to put it away, hide it (with braids etc) rather than being able to atleast sometimes enjoy her hair freely, but it's next to impossible.

Sorry ladies, had to vent today....
Why not go for a gentler relaxer, like a lye relaxer thats easier on the hair??? Motions tends to underprocess so it may be what you are looking. I wouldn't interfere with the chemical composition or instructions of the box perms, especially if others haven't tried it. I never heard of adding less activator. That's a big risk you are taking.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

Adding less activator will not make the relaxer "safer," and in fact might make it more harmful to your hair and/or scalp if you throw off the PH of the mixture enough. If you are not a chemist that completely understands and knows how to deal with different ratios of potentially harmful and caustic chemicals (which is what a relaxer is), then your best bet would simply be to cut the mixture with oils to slow down the processing time and rinse it out sooner with no smoothing.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

Thank you. I may just go research threads that discuss pressing hair and see if that maybe the best option for her then. Thanks again. :)
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

I really think you will be bald if you mess with the balance of a relaxer when it comes to the base and the activator. They are given in exact amounts for a reason. There's a difference between mixing conditioners and trying to manipulate the chemical balance of a relaxer. Please don't do that, OP.

I agree there are many other options out there to help with your concerns. But, as someone who was natural with some of your same woes (who ended up relaxing), I suggest you try working with your natural hair, learning styles and techniques and whatnot and make sure relaxing is what you really want to do and this is not just a phase of frustration. I think almost every natural has gone through that phase at one time or another.

You can heat style for a change, try protective styles, and try different products. There are oodles of options. Best of luck. But please don't mess with the balance of a relaxer.
Re: Curious: Relaxer safer if only a small amount of activator is used??? I wanna kno

I agree with the ladies suggesting the addition of oils instead. I think it would be easier, more convenient and safer than trying to predict the outcome of using less activator.