curious about rosemary oil


New Member
I have never used this before. I went into a beauty suppy that is known to be empty most of the time and I saw rosemary oil. The ingredients is mineral oil and my question is; Is this the right one? can I find this in my regular beauty suppy store?How about the jojoba oil
No this is not the rosemary oil that most people use on the board. The kind I have is an essential oil, meaning it's 100% rosemary oil. When you use an essential oil you must use it along with a carrier oil because essential oils are very potent and not to be used at 100% concentration. Jojoba oil is a carrier oil. You can purchase both at a natural food/product store. Or online at or

i've seen that kind too BSG, it's used for fragrance alone. it isn't the same thing as an essential oil of rosemary...