Crown & Glory Wash Routine


New Member
My first entry to healthy hair caring was the Crown and Glory methods.
Mostly the wash routine.

Putting my hair into 4 huge plaits and washing and conditioning my hair while still in these plaits.

Do any of y'all still wash your hair in plaits?
What do you think of this as a method?
Do you, like me, worry that your hair isn't totally getting washed/conditioned because it's in the plait?
If you still do it this way, have you any tips for ensuring a good result.

When I wash my hair in plaits, my hair loss is minimal compared with when I don't.

Please do share if you did/do wash your hair this way.
My first entry to healthy hair caring was the Crown and Glory methods.
Mostly the wash routine.

Putting my hair into 4 huge plaits and washing and conditioning my hair while still in these plaits.

Do any of y'all still wash your hair in plaits?
I wash my hair either in twists or clipped up sections
What do you think of this as a method?
It helps keep my hair separated so I don't get overwhelmed, have unnecessary tangles, or have pieces not getting enough product.
Do you, like me, worry that your hair isn't totally getting washed/conditioned because it's in the plait?
I just make sure to squeeze though each section and if I feel that's not adequate I will undo a twist/section individually and then redo it after I apply the product.
If you still do it this way, have you any tips for ensuring a good result.
I make sure the roots are loose so I can get my fingers through and massage my scalp when I shampoo

When I wash my hair in plaits, my hair loss is minimal compared with when I don't.

Please do share if you did/do wash your hair this way.

Also if you feel your hair isn't getting washed or conditioned well enough perhaps try doing it in smaller plaits. I had to up from 4 sections to 6/8+ due to tangling when I fingercombed.
@Monaleezza I do wash in braids if my hair isn't in mini twists or microbraids as is the norm. And when I do, I don't leave the braids in throughout the wash. I am anal about removing shed hair so I undo and comb through one braid at a time throughout the wash. I explain my method here:

I do want to point out that when you wash clothes, you do not need to undo the fibers to free them in order to get the clothes clean. So likewise, you do not need to undo the braids to get you hair clean as long as you're using a good shampoo that breaks down oils and dirt, and are squeezing the braids to ensure the suds penetrate them to release dirt from the inside. The only thing you don't get to do if you don't undo the braids is remove shed hair which could lead to tangles--especially if you undo before your hair is dry. I do think doing an ACV rinse at the end of your wash would make your strands smooth and therefore not easy to tangle. Or maybe at the very end of your wash, you can just undo one braid at a time and comb under running water then rebraid still under running water and braid firmly. Do that to all the braids then let your hair airdry in the braids.
I do not...i section and twist only after i shampoo, condition and detangle to prevent further tangles......but washing in plaits or twist causes tangles in my hair.....and also i get more frizz
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Before I big chopped my hair was not long enough to use braids so I have always used twists. When I shampoo I just put in barrettes to hold the hair and don't twist. I then take down each section and shampoo and put the barrette back in. I don't bother twisting at that point because the twist will unravel anyway. Then I take out the barrette, put in the conditioner and then twist it.

I usually detangle before I shampoo to prevent tangling and then it makes the entire process easier.

Even though I could put my hair in 4 sections, I found that it was easier to separate my hair into either 5 or 6 sections for better production application.
Also if you feel your hair isn't getting washed or conditioned well enough perhaps try doing it in smaller plaits. I had to up from 4 sections to 6/8+ due to tangling when I fingercombed.

That's a good idea, thanks.

NappyNelle thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

Nonie, The reason I wash/condish in braids is to reduce the shed hair and manipulation that causes breakage. If the hair is shedding naturally then I suspect it should be able to comb after after.

I have reduced the shedding/breakage by using the method and you ladies have reassured me that my hair is still getting clean/conditioned while in the plaits, so I'll continue.

In fact, for those that don't use this method, I recommend it.
I used to use this method but its very time consuming especially when you factor in conditioning the sections so i just separate my hair into 2 halves and wash that way. No tangles and I'm not spending eons in the shower.
That's a good idea, thanks.

@Nonie, The reason I wash/condish in braids is to reduce the shed hair and manipulation that causes breakage. If the hair is shedding naturally then I suspect it should be able to comb after after.

I have reduced the shedding/breakage by using the method and you ladies have reassured me that my hair is still getting clean/conditioned while in the plaits, so I'll continue.

In fact, for those that don't use this method, I recommend it.

@Monaleezza, shedding is normal. You should not be afraid of it. If you don't shed, then you will have tangles, because whether you like it or not, hair WILL shed and get caught among the unshed hairs. If you didn't shed, then your hair would not be growing normally.

The only time shedding should worry you is if you count the hairs that have bulbs and find they are more than 100 each day. If this is the first time you are manipulating your hair since YESTERDAY, they should be between 50-100 strands. If it's been a while since you manipulated your hair, then the shed hair should MORE THAN 100. Another time you should worry about shedding is if it is accompanied by scalp itches or soreness AND if your hair is thinning or you're seeing bald spots. Other than that, then you should be glad when you shed. If you aren't seeing shed hair, then you are leaving shed hair in your mane which is a recipe for knots and tangles.

Shedding is part of NORMAL hair growth. If old hairs don't shed--old hairs that probably didn't have the benefit of good hair practices that you've adopted recently--then how will you ever grow hair that is healthy and that makes it to longer lengths? You can't hold onto strands forever. They HAVE TO come out to make room for new strands. All you do when you baby your hair to prevent shedding is try to get your hair to behave abnormally.

I will have to take a picture of a twist of my hair so you can see how skinny it is. Then I will finger comb it and show you how many hairs come out. I thank God they come out. If they stopped coming out, I'd think my follicles were dead. Because as long as they are living and well, they should grow hair and after anywhere from 2-7 years, they should spit that hair out. And ALL follicles do different times in my life. So why do folks freak out about shedding? That's like trying to stop menstruation coz you don't want to lose blood. Say wha' nah? What you should be upset about is breakage. But if you think you can stop hair from shedding, then you're basically claiming to be able to stop what happens naturally from coming to be. Next folks will be trying to stop other bodily functions that are normal from happening. Methinks it delusional to assume that's even possible.
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