Crown & Glory Challenge '07

I got some great growth this month even though I didn't use MTG for three weeks (I was on spring break in FL and didn't want to stink up the hotel room:lachen: ) but I think the growth I did see was the effects of using MTG for the weeks following that.
Now my braids are loking shappy and its only been five weeks, I plan to take them out in another two weeks and then give my hair a three week rest. I wanted to have my hair out for prom and graduation but I don't know if that is going to happen. I will only leave my hair out of I am legit SL.
I'm still in! I just unbraided on SUnday and am rebraiding tomorrow. Taking care of the new growth is way over my head - I had to make a thread to get help. But I've got about four inches since December and want to relax so badly I can taste it. But, I'm not. I'm in until July.
I joined another C&G Challenge somewhere out there, I am doing it to stretch to six months. I will be removing braids in May:)
I hope its not too late to join this challenge. I am transitioning and I have my own hair in twists now. I will try to go a week until I cowash which will be a first for me. I want to wear twist for at least 4-5 weeks at a time(I have to redo them every week). I'm gonna look at her site to get caught up with the regimen.
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im in, i have been getting my hair braided since last sept. and my goal this year is to keep it braided and maintain a healthy routine durring the duration of the braids so far so good. but now that i am out of lurking i want to go on record that im in..:lol: Once i find some old pictures of my braided styles ill post so u ladies can get some ideas.
I am So in, Since I am mainly sporting braids. And Im brading my hair right now as we speak. I cant wait, since I did a major chop :perplexed this weekend to get rid of those perm ends And im down to about 3 to 4 inches ofhair and i choped off about 9 inches. :grin:
Check out Sareca (she's in this challenge too)- she has a very simple yet effective method for caring for your hair while in braids and twists. I changed my regime some incorporating some of her recommended products and procedures. it has been very effective. i am growing great with very little sheding and retaining all of the length I am acquiring.

The most important thing she says that I find very important is that you care for your hair in braids the same way you do when it is not. Simple but profound and oh so true. It's made a significant difference for me.
I let my hair rest for 2 weeks. I just re-braided last week and trimmed 1/2-1" right before. I'm still at brastrap. I've been doing box braids and i'll be keeping them in until june 15th, re-brading in between.
I hope I can keep this up until december:)
Better late than never :look: ....I braided my hair a little over a week ago so I would like to join this challenge. Over the years when I kept my hair braided it grew quite long but would break off because I wasn't caring for them properly.:( Now that I'm armed with knowledge I should be able to grow to great (retained) lengths. I'm excited!! :D
i've been braided almost a month and i have an inch of growth in middle and back areas and half an inch in the front without vits, usually i only get this growth with supplements could you imagine how much i could acheive if i take them?
den1 said:
i've been braided almost a month and i have an inch of growth in middle and back areas and half an inch in the front without vits, usually i only get this growth with supplements could you imagine how much i could acheive if i take them?

Well then why aren't you taking your supplements young lady??? :perplexed :lol: