Crown & Glory Challenge '07

GrowmeNOW said:
i would luv to join. gettin my hair braided next week. (when i get paid:grin: ). Question though:confused: how will you ladiees be washing your hair with your braides? what method? and will anyone be mtgin with their braides.?? ill prolly be keepin mine in until may.

I usually dilute some shampoo in a spray bottle, and spray it in my scalp and twists. Then I massage my scalp and squeeze the twists as I go. It usually helps keep my hair neat.
Count me in! I'm already in braids and I just put them in Wednesday. I'll be keeping them in until April 14. Afterwards I'll put them back in at around June or July for another 2 months.
Updated list:

Chica Canella
Hidden Angel

I'm in. I'm getting some braids tomorrow and plan on keeping either weaves or braids for a while. I'm transitioning so this works great for me. I'm so excited. I'm doing the Hide your Hair Challenge anyway so this will be a breath!!! My hair is nape length now and my ultimate goal is waistlength so anything I can do to speed up progress I'll do :).
Ooh Oooh count me in too! Bosslady my hair is about as long as your hair is in your avatar so I'm eager to get to shoulder length. I'm my own scissor happy stylist so getting my hands outta my hair will be good for me.
Okay - I've jumped into the challenge with both feet. I still have my oils and conditioners for washing and I still wash frequently - even in braids, but today, I went to the store and bought some of the recommended vitamins. Admittedly, some I purchased for health reasons, but I did add a few new ones specifically based on recommendation here.

The complete C&G regime (for me):

corn rows - two weeks on, and two to three days off
hot oil pre-poo treatment, wash, and deep protein followed by intensive mositure treatment on the non-braided days.

African Braid Spray over Proclaim 7 oil (also used as hot oil treatment)

During braided times, when I wash I still use the same method, hot oil, deep condition.

vegetable and soy protein made into smoothie in the morning - I've done this is the past but have gotten lax in the last few months - I'm totally on it every day

trader joes
flaxseed oil

nature's plus
source of life multi (buying more, i like this multi)
glucosamine (bad knees)
niacin (for elevated cholesterol levels)

I also cleaned all of the junk out of the cupboards and went grocery shopping (my girls think they're going to die with no snacks. i suggested they eat some fruit.) I'm usually good with eating lots of fruits and veggies, but I am upping the ante here a bit by adding more and increasing the weekly fish as well.

I'm think I'm on a C&G roll.
I'm planning to go all year (year 2). My relaxers are scheduled for May 2007 and Nov 2007. I might skip the May one. I still haven't decided, but in either case count me in!
:wave: :wave: Count Me In. I've been C&G since January. I plan to alternate braids for 3 mths at a time with 2 mth breaks. I'm using MTG Surge 14 on the scalp and curl activator spray on my hair. I clarify once every 1-2weeks with VO5 kiwi&lime.
The MTG makes it hard to keep the braids in for long so I rebraid periodically.

I took out a couple of braids yesterday and i'm at BRASTRAP :clapping: already! MTG is the truth. I've been using it everyday for 1 month now!
my edges are filling in too, i don't braid tightly.

I want to take some progress pics in march when i take these out.
Good luck everybody!
Count me in,:lol: I've been doing the CnG method for about two months now and I'm getting some heavy growth over here. I'm going to continue to do this until July, because tI'm going on a trip and want to wear my hair down.
Yes!!! I'm in...I'm already individually braided up.....and doing the C & G ..I'm planning on wearing braids until the end of 07...when I'm out of braids I'll be wiggin it ....
Count me in. I just put braids in yesterday. I will try to keep them in until may if possible. I will MTG and wash with diluted shampoo every 2 weeks.
I know I'm super late, but I just decided to do the C&G method after years of looking for someone to praid my hair for cheap! I have a question for y'all though: Do you do them as long as she says to do them, like the full but lengthed braids? They look a litte iffy to me. What are ya'lls length's? thanks a million!
I have my braids are jut above armpit. Most of the time, I twist and knot to keep the hair off my skin - I don't like the feel of the recommended hair, but I'm sticking with the method as closely as possible, so I use it anyway.
Has anyone had experience keeping regular individual braids in for 3 months? Is it safe as long as i keep it moisturized?
I am also going for the all year round deal. I am shocked I have made it since November, but I am going to see how far and one year is my goal.

Keep hope alive! :lol:
I'm going to do C & G until my wedding. That's 16 months to get my hair to MBL. That will be 2 and 1/2 year doing C & G.
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I plan to C & G until Jan '08. Right now I have braids a little bigger than micros. I plan to do Kinky Twist next. Den1 usually when I wear weaves I spray the hair underneath everyday with an oil mixture. Pre-poo,shampoo and DC weekly. The last time I had a weave I just negelected my hair by doing nothing to it and ended up paying for it. It broke off so bad. I learned my lesson and started taking care of my hair again.
I hope it's not too late to join this challenge? I have had my braids in for a month and have achieved an inch of growth in that short time using the crown and glory technique! That has never happened to me before! I turn 25 years old in September and I am hoping to take some professional pictures then, so I am hoping for shoulder-length hair (my hair is just below my ear).
Me2 said:
I plan to C & G until Jan '08. Right now I have braids a little bigger than micros. I plan to do Kinky Twist next. Den1 usually when I wear weaves I spray the hair underneath everyday with an oil mixture. Pre-poo,shampoo and DC weekly. The last time I had a weave I just negelected my hair by doing nothing to it and ended up paying for it. It broke off so bad. I learned my lesson and started taking care of my hair again.
thanks for responding, doesn't the weave hair get matted and tangled if you wash it every week? how long do u leave it in for? can it last longer than braids
den1 said:
thanks for responding, doesn't the weave hair get matted and tangled if you wash it every week? how long do u leave it in for? can it last longer than braids

I think the trick is to wash your weave braided. It is less manipulation and you can work with each section accordingly.
Bosslady1 said:
I think the trick is to wash your weave braided. It is less manipulation and you can work with each section accordingly.

That's exactly what I do. Hair has never been matted or tangled.