Crisco - palm oil or cottonseed oil?


Well-Known Member
I didn't to get on the Crisco bandwagon so went ahead and ordered a tub.

However when my tub arrived I noticed that the ingredients are:
soybean oil, fully hydrogenated palm oil, partially hydrogenated palm and soybean oils, mono and diglycerides, TBHQ and citric acid (antioxidants)

I was expecting my tub to have cottonseed in it instead of the palm oil.

Have I bought the wrong Crisco?
Is anyone else using the Crisco with palm oil rather than the cottonseed?
Whats the difference between the two?
From what I researched, Crisco had cottonseed back in the day. They've since stopped using it because cottonseed plants are sprayed with harmful chemicals that they absorb and show up in the finished product Crisco.
From the container I picked up the other day:

If cottonseed is no longer used, I wonder why it was still listed in the list of ingredients on site I ordered from? I wonder how long ago cottonseed was replaced with palm oil.

Thanks to all those who replied. I was already apprehensive about trying it out without the added question of if I had the right one.
Great. I'm definitely going to if Crisco a go. I heard that its good for dry skin too, so may try it out on some body areas.