Crisco is da bomb


Well-Known Member
another convert to Crisco.

My hair is almost 16 weeks post relaxer. I have my hair in 4 braids and every PM i put my MN mix on my scalp with a pointed applicator bottle. Needless to say, I got alot of buildup at the back two plaits. I took them down last Friday and sprayed aloe vera juice on my hair and proceeded to untangle slowly. It worked very very well. Before braiding it back up I applied some Crisco to each section and OMG it immediately penetrated into my hair and my hair became sooooo soft. I take down these 2 back plaits every PM so I can apply the MN mix to my scalp and my hair is still so soft from the Crisco. I think this is going to be my new staple butter. My hair seemed to be more textured with this nice sheen and softness. Thank you everybody for sharing the "Crisco" experience.
Co-sigining. And its working nicely on knees, elbows and feet. Pesky dark spots are getting ready for summer. :)
Yes it is the bomb! I just started using it last week and my hair is shining like a star:grin:. I am heat-trained and I only had reversion on my edges. I love Crisco and it goes hand-in-hand with my UFD Glossy.
so for the first time since my BC 14 months ago, I decided to actually prepare my hair to prep for a style. I didnt feel like washing my hair so I undid my 10 or so twists , sprayed with my spray bottle, moisturized with QP Mango Butter, sealed with Crisco and did about 35-40 twists. Just last week I was contemplating texlaxing and I can tell you that thanks to Crisco, that thought has been banished. When i tell you that my hair is moisturized like you wouldnt believe. I'm keeping the twists in till Saturday and wear a twistout for church on Saturday.
Co-signing!!! I first started using it to seal my ends. I'm often in 4-8 celie braids and the ends of my braids always tangle together. It seems that somehow my shed hairs slide down and cause the tangling. But I don't have any of that since I started using crisco on my ends. The hairs just slide out of any tangles, soooo...

I decided to try crisco to help me to detangle. I mostly finger detangle because I'm transitioning. But I do periodic thorough detangling. I found that I can moisturize and coat my braided hair in crisco. After allowing it to airdry, I can detangle with no problems. GAME CHANGER!!!

Last night, I moisturized and coated my braids in crisco with the intention of trying an oil rinse with it today. I put on a satin cap followed by a plastic cap and covered with a scarf before bed last night. O..M..G! My hair felt so soft and moisturized and still does. Not oily at all.

I love this stuff and think it will be a staple for me. I'm 46 ws post texlax tomorrow and finally feel like I have this transitioning thing down pat thanks to Crisco.

Yeah, I said it. Crisco. :yep: