Also if anyone is still interested use a bottle with a foaming dispenser. That way it's less work and cleanup but it does not drip like usual. Only issue is that it doesn't get as thick and foamy like the whipping method but it's good enough to prevent drips.
I was googling foam bottle dispenser and was rolling my eyes at the prices to buy 1 and not a set. Then, it dawned on me. Buy a $2 thing of foaming hand soap and just remove the soap and clean the bottle well. Instant foaming dispenser.
I was googling foam bottle dispenser and was rolling my eyes at the prices to buy 1 and not a set. Then, it dawned on me. Buy a $2 thing of foaming hand soap and just remove the soap and clean the bottle well. Instant foaming dispenser.

@Dee-Licious ,
YOU are a genius!

And, Necessity is the Mother of Invention.


What a wonderful innovation, @Chicoro. I am a long time Aphogee user. I was using a spray bottle but this way is so much better because my spray bottle gets clogged up lol. I appreciate you sharing this technique.

You are welcome! I hope the technique works well for you if you use it.
Bumping... for Video

I made a video showing how I turned my Aphogee into foam GOLD [cause it works like a million bucks!] and how I apply the foam to my braided hair. I used it successfully using my NO COMB process. No ugly snarls, knots or tangles, either! I put the video in my Fotki. I hope the technology works. Here is the link:

@MileHighDiva ,
Thank you for suggesting that I make a video. It's the first video I've made in almost three (3) years.
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I'm having breakage and need to use this this weekend.

I'm going the lazy route and using my Ninja blender since it can make whipped cream, it should be able to whip this. I haven't made a smoothie in darn near a year, so I need to put it to some use.
I'm having breakage and need to use this this weekend.

I'm going the lazy route and using my Ninja blender since it can make whipped cream, it should be able to whip this. I haven't made a smoothie in darn near a year, so I need to put it to some use.
I didn't come back and update. I couldn't find my bottle of Aphogee, so I bought a packet from Sally's. It wasn't enough liquid to even use the small single-serve Ninja cup to whip it.

I found two lottabody foaming wrap lotion bottles, I combined the remaining product used the empty one for my Aphogee. It worked soooooo well and easy!!!

Thanks for this thread! @Chicoro
I didn't come back and update. I couldn't find my bottle of Aphogee, so I bought a packet from Sally's. It wasn't enough liquid to even use the small single-serve Ninja cup to whip it.

I found two lottabody foaming wrap lotion bottles, I combined the remaining product used the empty one for my Aphogee. It worked soooooo well and easy!!!

Thanks for this thread! @Chicoro

So you didn't have to whip it first? Just poured into a foaming bottle and that was it?
I finally tried whippin' the 2 step and it was a whole lot less messy, indeed. No more clogging up spray bottles, lol. Now I have to try the foam bottle method to see which method I like best.

It's a keeper! Glad you had a positive outcome.
I bought a $2 bottle of foam handsoap and replaced the soap with my Aphogee.
It came out foamy and didn't make a mess!
Thank you!

Perfect! How much product did you put in the foam thingy?
Perfect! How much product did you put in the foam thingy?

Half of the regular size bottle of Aphogee 2 Step.
I will note that it was weird using the foam in my hair because it's so light and makes you think that you're not using enough product. But though I felt like I used too many pumps, when I looked at the bottle afterwards, I wasn't as heavy handed as I thought.

My hair got hard as usual and it was a normal treatment.
Half of the regular size bottle of Aphogee 2 Step.
I will note that it was weird using the foam in my hair because it's so light and makes you think that you're not using enough product. But though I felt like I used too many pumps, when I looked at the bottle afterwards, I wasn't as heavy handed as I thought.

My hair got hard as usual and it was a normal treatment.

Thanks for the detail!
CAUTION: When You May Not Want Use Aphogee 2 Step

  1. IF you are transitioning from heat damaged, relaxed or permed hair, to natural hair AND
  2. IF the new growth is 1/2 or more of the hair length AND
  3. IF you are NOT ready to chop off the damaged hair.


The damaged/relaxed ends can tangle and get matted. Unfortunately, one may have to cut off the relaxed, damaged hair at that point, right then and there.

This is not guaranteed to happen if the above three conditions are present, but it is more likely to happen when they are present.

If you are not psychologically ready to do the "big chop", I would strongly suggest that when transitioning, you avoid using Aphogee 2 Step.

  • Stretching a relaxer: Relax hair first, and get the same texture on the strand so there is not strong line of demarcation on the strand. Use Aphogee 2 Step after the relaxer.
  • Coloring or dyeing hair: Color hair, then do your Aphogee treatment a week later.
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I did update January 25th which was days after... I'll do another treatment this week. I thought it was time. I'm going to do better with notating when I do what.
I came and searched here. I've added it to my "hair journal" app which I might just place on my Google Calendar for easier tracking and setting reminders.