Creamy vs. Clear Shampoos

I think I prefer the creamy or pearlescent shampoos to the clear ones, because the CLEAR shampoos definitely strip my hair out of any sort of moisture my hair MAY have had. :lachen:

I think it's a known fact that the clear shampoos are designed to really get your hair squeaky clean......LITERALLY lol. :lol: I try to keep my hair as moisturized as possible, especially being a natural, so I very rarely use shampoos that are completely clear. Every now and then if I have a lot of buildup, or if I just want to use a clarifying shampoo, then I'll use the clear shampoos, but otherwise...I usually stick close to my moisturizing shampoos. :yep:
Clear. Most of the higher quality ones I use are clear. Clear doesn't have to mean clarifying or harsh. I only use low or no sulfate products. The creamy stuff leaves buildup on my hair that I don't like.
I only use clear shampoos. I don't like moisturizing shampoos at all. I always use very strong sulfate free shampoos.
Doesn't matter about the color to me. Chi Infra shampoo is the milkiest, creamiest, thickest looking shampoo I ever dried and tangled the heck out of my hair. But for my weekly shampoo I use keracare hydrating detangling(the old version with sulfates). It's kinda pearly, yellow creamy looking, this is my staple.
Creamy Shampoos. They don't strip my hair of moisture like most clear shampoos do. I love that they lather so well with the first application, even if my hair is full of oil from detangling or a hot oil treatment.