Crazy natural!!


Well-Known Member
Going natural is making me crazy! I am so excited about it I don't know what do do with myself. I look at natural pictures every day. I have certain journals I go to every day because I believe that I have the same hair type. I need to be patient but it is hard. Any other ladies feel me?
wow, sounds like you might even be ready for the 'big chop.' i completely understand how you feel though. before i went natural, it seemed like all i saw were other women sportin' beautiful naturals.

it's gonna be alright. stay the course and you'll make it to where you're trying to go.

don't feel bad about looking at hair journals. i've been napptural for two years now and i still look at other women's napptural hair albums for styling ideas.
I totally understand I am transitioning and every month I get really excited about the new kink and coils I see. I also use the photo journals on lhcf and nappturality to continue to inspire me.
I understand about the pressures to relax (pressures from family and society) and I agree; why do we have to change our natural beautiful texture to be considered acceptable. The good news is you are among friends who are also on the same journey and lovin' every minute of it!!! Keep up your photo journal!
I know exactly how u feel. I got so excited that I chopped it myself. I would also look at natural hair pics of hair that was my texture and thought how pretty it was. Just stay excited and chop when the time is right for you. One of the reasons that I chopped is b/c I was beginning to feel to vain about long hair. I hope that makes sence. To many people the only pretty hair is bone straight hair and I wanted to go against that stereotype. I know that I am beautiful either way and you will be too. Keep us informed about your journey.
)))HUG((( for Brittany!! I have been natural for a while now, and I look at hair pictures all the time, so you are on the right track. Patience is key, especially in the beginning stages of the natural journey. Keep doing what you're already doing, and before you know it, you will have a head full of beautiful natural hair!!! (:
brittanynic16 said:
Going natural is making me crazy! I am so excited about it I don't know what do do with myself. I look at natural pictures every day. I have certain journals I go to every day because I believe that I have the same hair type. I need to be patient but it is hard. Any other ladies feel me?

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I feel you. I'm not as obsessive as I was when I first decided to transition, but I still spend way to much time looking at natural hair albums and the like.
Like Maestradiva said we'll have a head full of beautiful naptural hair before we know.
(((brittany)))) two words: HANG IN THERE.. oops.. that's three..

It does sound like you're ready for the chop. But don't give up/in if that's not what you want. Some things are worth the aggravation and test of wills... a head of nice, soft, curly, shiny natural hair is one of them!

I'm sure you won't regret your decision
DITTO on everything everyone else said, I'm going into my third year and very happy that i made the decision to keep striving no matter what anyone said, keep your head up and love your hair
exactly what HotCoCoGurl said

thing is when i chopped i had to change my usual albums from what i thought my hair type was.

I used to look at DelightfulFlame's - now im hooked on hats
Hang in there. The longer you wait the longer your natural hair will be when you decide to cut.

For me looking at albums helped me with the transition and the final cut. HairLove and BublnBrwnSuga both have great transitioning albums, Yante-Coi and Anikalia both have great natural hair albums. There are many others that are here that albums that I admire.

Thank you all for the inspiration.
Brittany, why don't you get someone to braid your hair for you, but don't let them do it too tight, moisturise daily and keep it in for at least a month or so and then when you feel that you have enough regrowth, cut of the ends of the relaxed hair, until you have enough hair you want. You can either do a mini chop, just cutting off the ends, but transiting in braids, or the big chop. With me, I had my hair texturised, I just grew out my hair, until I felt confident, with a length, which was not too short and I went to a barber and he cut of the remaining texturised ends. Do what you feel comfortable.
Thank you ladies for all the responses and suggestions. I could not do this with out you. in fact, I wouldn't be doing this without you. I think that I'll wait a while before I do the big chop. I can't wait for it to grow so that I can cut it but I will wait. I think that I will get braids in a while but until then I will franch braid it and where hats. Thank goodness it is cold. But,thank for the advice. I need it.
Hey Britt, I definately know how you feel. I have been transitioning since July of last year and I really wish things would move faster. As for me, I don't know why, but I fear the big chop. I have let my hair be primarily natural, but I still have inches of relaxed hair on the end. However, to not bother it and look at it so much, I primarily keep mine in braids (cornrows). I usually keep the braids in from 2 -3 weeks, then I take them out and give my hair the luxury treatment, then I leave the braids out for another week before putting them back in. I have sooooo much new growth. I bought some Surge 2 weeks ago, I started using it but stopped so that I could have the full bottles to take with me when I leave. I plan to use the Surge during that time so I can really see the new growth.

So, hang in there and happy growing