Cowash disappointment with V05 or with cowashing???


Well-Known Member
What do you all think of this?

I'm trying to DC twice a week to get my hair back to health. (I have AO Honeysuckle, Aphogee 2-min, V05 Smoothie and ORS in my hair kit so far). I pre-poo and poo on 1 x a week with CON. So last night, I cowashed with the V05 Smoothie and my hair immediately felt dry:nono: and then I proceeded with the AO Honeysuckle and hy hair obviously felt more moisture afterwards.

My question is: In the future should I skip the cowashing altogether and just do a straght DC, or should I wash then DC, or should I try a different conditioner and continue with cowashing/DCing during the week.

Hope I don't sound too confusing. My concern is I did not like the way my hair felf after that V05, but since I'm not knowledgeable about co-washing, i don't know what to make of this?

Thanks all.
Girlie, that VO5 could dry a stick of butter down to yellow ashes. I hate that stuff. You are not the first to experience dryness with this condish.

ETA: I think it's the VO5 is the problem, not co-washing or your reggie. Try co-washing with a different condish. Good luck
Girlie, that VO5 could dry a stick of butter down to yellow ashes. I hate that stuff. You are not the first to experience dryness with this condish.

ETA: I think it's the VO5 is the problem, not co-washing or your reggie. Try co-washing with a different condish. Good luck

I can't agree with this strongly enough. My hair felt like tangled straw the last time I used it. I bought a whole bunch of them b/c they were cheap on sale and heard so many rave reviews but IMHO VO5 sucks!!!
I would just try a different conditioner. :yep:

I use VO5 without a problem but I don't expect much out of a conditioner that costs 65 cents.

I can definitely tell the difference between that and my better conditioners though.
I can't agree with this strongly enough. My hair felt like tangled straw the last time I used it. I bought a whole bunch of them b/c they were cheap on sale and heard so many rave reviews but IMHO VO5 sucks!!!
exactly, I heard a lot of raves about it. As a new co-washer I was sooooo disappointed. lol. Oh well, I'll try something else.
I don't think DC'ing is ever bad if your hair needs the moisture. That's exactly what I would have done.

For another (sorta) cheapie conditioner to co-wash with, I just bought Herbal Essence Hello Hydration and Long Term Relationship. The HE is on sale 3 for $10 at Walgreens until Sat. and $2.99 at Rite Aide. Be careful though if you are avoiding cones or doing low poo, b/c this condish has a lot of them.

Was ti bad that I cowashed then DC'd with the AO?
Try Suave Humectant, it's good! Tresemme Moisture Rich, Tresemme Smooth & Silky and Aussie Moist are good too. V05 is too thin for me

Usually people poo, dc and THEN co wash. But doing it the other way around won't do any harm :)
Well I use the VO5 Starwberries and Cream for co-washing and I like it alot but I am not a fan of the HE LTR I ended up putting VO5 on top for more slip.. Everyone's hair is different. You just have to find products that work you. As you try pay attention to the ingredients so you can compare the products that dont work and come up with ingredients that your hair doesnt like. Im still trying to find out what products are good for me.. Seems like a never ending journey...
Tiff, what I'm saying is that I want to Dc twice a week....with that said do I need to poo each of those two times? I thought the co-wash was to subsitute using shampoo on my second DC day.

Sidenote: So far, I've noticed that shampoo doesn't seem to kill my hair, especially with a pre-poo, I'm super good to go.
Tiff, what I'm saying is that I want to Dc twice a week....with that said do I need to poo each of those two times? I thought the co-wash was to subsitute using shampoo on my second DC day.

Sidenote: So far, I've noticed that shampoo doesn't seem to kill my hair, especially with a pre-poo, I'm super good to go.

Hey, I'm doing two DCs during the week too on Wed. and Sat/Sun. For me what I think works, is that I DC then cowash after. I only shampoo once a week on Sat/Sun. My hair doesn't like shampoos that much though.HTH.
Your hair just may not like cowashing or the V05 conditioner. My hair doesn't like either one. When I first came to the board I tried both. I went back to washing once a week and it works for me.
Your hair just may not like cowashing or the V05 conditioner. My hair doesn't like either one. When I first came to the board I tried both. I went back to washing once a week and it works for me.
same here
I only cowash if I feel a lot of product in my hair. Other than that, I wash w/ shampoo once a week.
Hey, I'm doing two DCs during the week too on Wed. and Sat/Sun. For me what I think works, is that I DC then cowash after. I only shampoo once a week on Sat/Sun. My hair doesn't like shampoos that much though.HTH.
I get it now...that probably what T was bad. lol
Try Suave Humectant, it's good! Tresemme Moisture Rich, Tresemme Smooth & Silky and Aussie Moist are good too. V05 is too thin for me

Usually people poo, dc and THEN co wash. But doing it the other way around won't do any harm :)
Tiff I need to Pm you about that.