Courageous, The Movie!!!


Well-Known Member
I know there is a thread in the entertainment area, but I wanted to make sure that other members of the body of Christ were aware of the movie. I've never seen true Christian values articulated so well in a "christian" movie. It was heart wrenching, powerful and inspiring to the NTH degree. I would strongly encourage everyone to see and support this film as soon as possible. I also believe that every man in your life would be inspired to become a stronger man of God after seeing this film.
OK, enough gushing. :look: I already cried a few times during and after this film.
Oh, I am so sorry to repeat this topic, but I was so overwhelmed and touched today that I wanted to tell everyone. And TraciChanel, please go and see this movie. And if you can, take someone who needs encouragement.
I LOVED this movie as well! I brought tissue because I knew I was gonna cry, but not enough! LOL Good thing I had a scarf on. So many good lessons in the movie.
i LOVE THIS MOVIE,i cried the whole movie..It ministered to me in sooooooooooo many different ways. Before I went to go to see it, I didnt think I would benefit from it because it spoke on fatherhood, but I really enjoyed..It showed me faith, perservance, standing up for righteousness, standing alone, trusting God, showed me the healing power of God, just so much...Im defintely buying this DVD when it comes..

Yall please go support the other Sherwood Movies, they have 4 other movies as well....:yep:
BUMPITY BUMP BUMP... :grin::bump:
Went to see the movie this weekend. Really enjoyed it. I don't cry easily. I cried... I will def buy the DVD when it is released. I see why you all liked it.
I hope to go to the movies this weekend, God willing..I really want to see that movie