Couples and going out.


Well-Known Member
As a couple married or not, living together...Do you think there should be a discussion in the beginning about hanging out and a reasonable time to come in. I was listening to some male co-workers talking to this female. She was discussing her husband got off work went out to hang with friends for a birthday celebration. They hung out at a club that ended at 3a.m. and grabbed something to eat afterwards. When he made it home it was after 6a.m. The only way she knew he was still out was when she woke up to use the restroom, the clock read 6a.m.

She thought first that something was wrong so she called his phone and he was on the way home. When he made it in it was 6 something. She was bothered because she doesn't make a big deal about him going out but this was too late for her taste. She said he has hung out before and has come in about 3 or 4.She sometimes hears him come with the keys at the front door. He doesn't call because he says, he doesn't want to wake her. The guys went in on her about being controlling and just because he is married doesn't mean he is in prison. The issue is that whenever he goes out he just doesn't act considerate and make it back at decent hours. I suggested having a talk and setting up mutual boundaries. She says when she talks to him, he apologizes but the next time he goes out the hours are late returning. It's one thing to come in late once in a while but, when it is a continuous thing, it borders on creating issues. Of course the guys told her not to listen to me. because they don't see 3am as late! LOL!
What do you guys think?
That's ridiculous. My dh doesn't party like that anyway, but I just can't even imagine a husband acting like this. Out to 6am? Wth could he be doing that late into the night.
ummm no!!! as much as dh and i go out--and he goes out w/ his friends or i go out w/ my girls--he know when to bring his behind home....

that would not be acceptable coming home all weeeeee hours of the night--and dh checks in with me anyway just to make sure I'm safe and sound and I'm good---

i know where dh is at all times and i don't even press him--we established being considerate and respectful when we were a husband that just doesn't seem right

so no 6am..ummm no--he would have a learn today moment and a very upset wife!!!
LOL! Would you believe he is a good 41? She said that he wanted to gloss over it the next day by trying to hug and touch all over her. She wasn't having it so now he has an attitude because she is serious about it. He expected her to be over it, but she felt he hasn't taken it seriously. Men...I mean boys!
I need more info are these young married people? what would bother me is more so that we disused it and dude still doing it.
I need more info are these young married people? what would bother me is more so that we disused it and dude still doing it.

Nope...he is 41! My thing is that anytime you are out at some point you are aware of time. It may not be while in the club or wherever, but leaving you are aware. When it's already late and you make it a point to stop somewhere else, you really don't care. She gives him his space but my mom taught me that men will see how far they can go. He took advantage of the fact she is usually sleep when he comes crawling in the bed. To me just shows that he may have been aware that it was late but figured she wouldn't know anyway. I told her if someone was to break in on you and the children, he can't protect you. It would be one thing if he's working but just hanging out till 3 and 4am is just inconsiderate. I haven't been to a club in years...I wouldn't even known how to act. Then again I don't know many 40+ year old who still club.
Nah, 6am is way too late to be coming home. For me, it's not really about control. I want to know where my husband is in case of an emergency. Her husband is being very inconsiderate. He'd probably have a fit if she stayed out until 6am amd didn't call.
My issue is with the other men who are backing ole boy by telling her marriage is not a prison. This is why so many people put up with stupid stuff in their relationships. They are listening to folks who give them bad advice! She went to those guys to get confirmation that something wasn't right and instead of confirming it, they are making her feel like it is ok to walk through the door at 6 a.m. They don't have her interest at heart.

As for her man, 6 a.m. is probably no biggie to him since he's BEEN walking through the door at 3/4 a.m. on a regular. Why was 4 a.m. ok with her but not 6 a.m.? Neither would be okay with me and I would have been SALTY the first time it happened.

Men are not hanging out until 4 a.m. or 6 a.m. on a regular by themselves (unless :look: but that's probably not the case here ....unless :look:). Men like the company of women (unless :look:) and if these regular group outings until 4 a.m. are just him and his boys, something is wrong (either way :look:).
The guy I was seeing always came home right after the club was over. Most clubs are over by 2am where I live so by 2:15 he was home. Never an issue with that. Even if he went to get some food after, it would be 3 am at the latest. I did that once and made sure to call him on my way to get food and he wasn't cool with it, so that was the last time that occurred.

However he is in his late 40s and he still goes out. With his male friends who are also in the same age bracket *gulp* apparently age ain't nothing but a number to Middle Aged men! Sometimes they're worse....

But nah, inconsiderate. Some people just aren't ready, their thinking just isn't ready!
Nope...he is 41! My thing is that anytime you are out at some point you are aware of time. It may not be while in the club or wherever, but leaving you are aware. When it's already late and you make it a point to stop somewhere else, you really don't care. She gives him his space but my mom taught me that men will see how far they can go. He took advantage of the fact she is usually sleep when he comes crawling in the bed. To me just shows that he may have been aware that it was late but figured she wouldn't know anyway. I told her if someone was to break in on you and the children, he can't protect you. It would be one thing if he's working but just hanging out till 3 and 4am is just inconsiderate. I haven't been to a club in years...I wouldn't even known how to act. Then again I don't know many 40+ year old who still club.

oh hail no! and children? smh these older men acting like theyre still in college
Yeah...that is why I don't care when my gf say I'm strict! LOL! I call it setting boundaries and expectations. Some men LOVE to think they are doing them. They want to feel as if they do as they partner is NOT one of them. That door would be fixed so that key didn't turn. LOL!

I just think it's a matter of not caring. She said the club closed at 3 but he got something to eat with friends. I know most people don't stay until the lights come on and you are ushered out the door. I would have given him 3 something at the latest. When it is almost 6:30am, that is not cool! So now they aren't speaking to each other, because he wants to feel as if she is tripping. I told her he is being immature in the way he is responding because he KNOWS he was wrong. Instead of just acknowledging her feelings and his wrong, he wants to make her feel bad. She said she is not budging and they can walk around in silence if that's what it takes. I wished her luck with that, I don't have the patience for someone flipping the script on me!
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This is a clear case of "give them an inch and they'll take a mile"

From the OP's telling, there are a couple of dark pink/red flags

1) Age 41
2) Seems to be a frequent club goer
3) According to the OP, this friend has brought up her discomfort and concerns with her husband before and he has not changed his behavior, in fact this most recent event shows increasing disrespect and lack of concern for her feelings.
4) Now he's trying to play mind games with her because she's standing her ground and not rolling over by ignoring his inconsideration actions.

Something tells me that dynamics of this rlsp was never really in this woman favor from probably the beginning. She was either more into him and/or afraid to lose him and that's why she never established proper boundaries with his behavior regarding this issue whenever it started.

I'm sure there are other things going on in addn to this.


I'm not married so take my analysis for what it's worth. I could be totally off-base.
Men respond to actions and not words. I would hire a babysitter and come waltzing in at 8 am a few times a month and dare him to say something. If I had family in the area, I would have them take the kids for the weekend and book a spacation and turn off my phone from Friday and come back home on Sunday looking refreshed. If I don't know where you are then you don't need to know where I am either.

I know two wrongs don't make a right but something needs to be done to wake this man up.
Oh no, I don't think so. Not happening. I'm 25 and I wouldn't put up with it but the man is 41? Oh h*ll no. But he didn't just start this. He's been staying out all hours of the night before she just didn't say anything until now.
Men respond to actions and not words. I would hire a babysitter and come waltzing in at 8 am a few times a month and dare him to say something. If I had family in the area, I would have them take the kids for the weekend and book a spacation and turn off my phone from Friday and come back home on Sunday looking refreshed. If I don't know where you are then you don't need to know where I am either.

I know two wrongs don't make a right but something needs to be done to wake this man up.

Some men are selfish and self centered. Where a caring man would hear what you're saying and respond in kind, the selfish man doesn't get until you show them.
Anywho like my grandma used to say, "there's a dead cat on the line somewhere".
Some men are selfish and self centered. Where a caring man would hear what you're saying and respond in kind, the selfish man doesn't get until you show them. Anywho like my grandma used to say, "there's a dead cat on the line somewhere".
Those selfish guys are usually the ones with double standards!!!! He'd be pissed!
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Yep...I'm sure he would be pissed! There are men who think they are entitled to be selfish. Unfortunately, age really is just a number for a lot of people. He seems immature and hasn't faced the fact he is no longer a kid but a man with a wife and children. Those are the type who know before they marry, that they are not ready. So they get married and and repeat the same behavior over and over.

What is funny is that she said when they were dating, he would hang out with friends but the latest he would come in was 1-2am. Now that they are married, it seems he has pushed the limits more and more. They are coming up on 9 years of marriage, this week. She said she will not celebrate, because she is not in a celebrating mood Until he acknowledges her feelings and his actions, it will be just an ordinary day for her. She canceled all the plans made for their celebration.

I guess if there are issues in the marriage, it does no one any good to sweep them under the wrong to make nice for one day. Especially, if things go right back to the same after the day has come and gone.
She needs to give him a taste of his own medicine. Some men learn by actions not words. I had to do this with an ex and he LEARNED his lesson and this was never an issue again.

Also, he may be going through a mid-life crises. If he married young, he probably wants to relive his life as a "single man."