Couple Pictures of my girls hair. New!

Holy Cow!!! Your girls have lovely hair. So long and glossy. Your hair isn't bad either. Put those scissors down
Lovely hair on your daughters. Lovely family. Are you a Journey fan? I thought I was the only one. Love me some Steve Perry voice. Jeve
You have a very beautiful family!! Your girls hair....I'm speechless. It's beautiful. :)
jevetta said:
Lovely hair on your daughters. Lovely family. Are you a Journey fan? I thought I was the only one. Love me some Steve Perry voice. Jeve

Love me some Steve Perry! He is a super vocalist.
Thank you ladies for all the compliments.
Me2 said:
Beautiful! How long does it take you to do their hair?

It doesn't take long not unless I deep conditon.
My little one. I am sure to comb it out before washing. I wash her scalp only and then condition with Herbal Essence "No Break and Herbal Essence Moisture Conditioner"
Rinse and then add some warm Vatika Danbur. I allow it to dry naturally or if I am in a rush I will blow dry it from a distant for about 5 mins. just to get it partially dry.

My eldest I do the same. Except I allow it to dry naturally and then braid in about 4 pieces. I tie their hair up in a satin scarf everynight.
Thanks for sharing - your daughters have beautiful hair!!!! Did I see someone kneecap length? Wowsers!

sterry said:
Hey Ladies,

I just added two new pictures of my little girls hair.
I had just wash and treated with Danbar Vatika.
I am trying to get mine to a point that looks decent. Had some set backs..
I may chop again.
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