Could You Date Someone Who Smoked (weed And/or Cigarettes) And Drink Alcohol?

Dating someone who smokes (weed and/or cigarettes) and drink alcohol on most days of the week?

  • No (to all forms of smoking, drinking)

  • Yes (to all forms of smoking, drinking)

  • NO to smoking (this includes weed and cigarettes), but YES drinking is fine

  • YES to smoking (this includes weed and cigarettes), but NO to drinking alcohol

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3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Could you date a man who smoked weed (marijuana) and cigarettes everyday or at least 3-4 times a week?

Also can you date a man who drinks everyday or at least 3-4 times a week? These questions could be mutually exclusive (both yes or both no), but if they are not mutually exclusive, please explain.
Cigarettes -no.

Weed-usually it's no, but I gave an exception to this one guy who was considerate enough not to do it around me or in my home.

Alcohol- doesn't bother me as long as they aren't getting drunk or sloppy or violent every day. I don't mind a guy who has a beer after work or something. I drink too..but usually socially for hard liquor. I can drink wine more often
Yes, it depends though. A beer on evenings and a cigarette is not much of a deal to me. I have a glass of wine on most evenings. Chain smoking and getting drunk daily, yes, its a huge problem that I won't tolerate. Most men I know in demanding and stressful jobs smoke. I asked one why, he says it helps him to de-stress.
I'm a judgemental ex smoker, so I couldn't deal with the weed or cigarettes as the smell of both now repulses me. If he drank a glass or two of wine with dinner a couple of nights a week, I would have no issue with it. But no getting sloppy drunk, it's a turn off.
Second hand smoke is even more dangerous than first hand smoke so no. It stinks too. In grad school a few people in my cohort smoked and despite their attempts to cover it up, they always smelled like tobacco.

I had a roommate in college who smoked weed and it was my worst roommate experience ever.

I rarely drink so I couldn't say no drinking ever but I'm not into men who drink a lot.

The thing about weed, tobacco and alcohol is that they are all ways to self-medicate. So I wonder what someone is running from if they feel a need to use these things on a regular basis.
I wish someone would vote for that last one.

I put no to smoking but alcohol is okay...occassionally. I cannot tolerate heavy drinking/drunkeness.
No to cigarettes, they are toxic. Weed is natural and has scientifically proven medicinal properties so I wouldn't care about that or drinking. I think it comes down to is this person using weed and alcohol to surpress unresolved issues or is it to unwind?

The last relationship I was in caused me to reconsider weed. I thought he smoked for the wrong reasons, but he inspired to do more research on marijuana. I end up recommending it to a friend that had severe thyroid problems (one eye bulges out of her head, enlarged lymph nodes, etc. Her doctor performed a biopsy and there was a 50% change she had malignant cancer cells). She smoked every day for 3 months and everything improved, EVERYTHING. Her eye and lump nodes went back to normal and there was no trace of cancer in her body. All her signs went back to normal and her doctors now want to conduct a study on the effects of marijuana with hyperthyroidism.
Definitely no to the weed and cigarettes. I dated a couple guys in the past who smoked a lot of weed and decided I didn't want to date anymore guys who smoked weed...bad experiences. I dated one guy who smoked cigarettes and his breath was always STANK...never again.

I have no problem with drinking. I love my mimosa Sundays, but 3-4 times a week is too often. I wouldn't want to date someone who drinks that much.
I hate being with somebody that doesn't drink at least socially. DH doesn't drink because he's by the books and doesn't drink and drive for one and for two he only drinks "for taste" and he claims all alcoholic drinks taste nasty. So if he does drink it's probably gonna be something girly like a strawberry margarita or some ish. I haaaaaate it. I've been trying to introduce him to something that can be his signature drink like a Long Island iced tea or walk me down.

I can deal with drinking socially but not anything else. It affects your health too bad. Plus I don't smoke. I hate how it makes your breath smell.