Correcting relaxer next day? Will I be ok??


New Member
So I relaxed my hair tonight and all went well except these 2 little areas. They are both about 2 cm in width, very small but a little to puffy in my opinion. I'm texlaxing with Phyto 2, so I'm not going for bone straight, but I can tell these 2 areas are gonna annoy the heck out of me while I stretch again (current stretch was 12 weeks)...anyway, if tomorrow I make sure to only relax the roots right at thoose 2 areas for about 5 or so minutes will this work? I only need them to be a bit straighter so they can lay down more since I bun most days this is important. Does anyone think I'll go bald there?? (btw, the relaxer I'm using has 2 tablespoons of EVOO that I mixed in so this may lessen processing speed)...what do you ladies think???
I really don't think it's a good idea. Even though those areas weren't straightened, the relaxer touched the areas... give it a little time, get at least one deep protein DC. when you finally correct those areas, make sure you soak the rest of your hair in conditioner and/or oil.
I only noticed the effects of doing a corrective relaxer too early after about a year, it catches up with you as time goes on. I had to lose at least 4 inches of my hair...
I agree with the other ladies.

In the past when I have underprocessed, it is always surprising how well those area do adapt over the weeks after the touchup. After conditioning and care, I can manage much longer than I thought I would be able to.

if you just can't stand it at all, at least wait a few weeks and do a few deep conditions to prep your hair. Even though you are underprocessed, relaxer did touch your hair and it is still weaker than it was before you relaxed.
I highly recommend that you wait at least 4 weeks to do any corrective relaxer. In the meantime, use lite protein to build up the hair's strength to correct the relaxer. The last time I had that problem I got a corrective relaxer in 3.5 weeks and I experienced no shedding or breakage.
I never do correctives, whatever happens is what I have to live with. But, if you feel that that area has to be corrected then I agree with the other ladies, wait at least 6 weeks.
Thanks for responses ladies:) Seems like everyone says :( These lilttle puffy spots suck! Anyone think it'll be ok? I did get an anonymous PM (lol) saying they did relax straighter the day after a perm and everything went well. This girl has very nice hair too btw..anyone else think I will survive it?
I have been relaxing my hair for over ten years. The worst thing anyone can do to their hair is applying a corrective relaxer. Since your Texlaxing and not relaxing for a bone straight look, I would just make the best out of the situation. Do a hot oil treatment or deep conditioner for several hours to loosen up the areas that are still puffy.

Good luck!
I've done corretive relaxers but I always waited at least 3 weeks to do it. At least.
I just want to clarify...I wouldn't be running it through or applying it to whole head at really is just 2 little spots...I honestly question how much relaxer got on it at all the first time because my mom did it and she's a bit of a novice. Last time I permed we did it in sections so it went a little better, but this time tried to do whole head at once. Think she got overwhelmed and missed some spots...but...i dunno...keep the responses coming far only one person has been bold enough to admit to doing this, and living through it! lol :)
I have to agree with the other ladies and advise you to wait it out, at least a few weeks.

However, I would be lying if I said I haven't done a corrective (more than once) on the next day, because I have...and survived it just fine. :look: I wouldn't do it today, though, becasue now that I'm texlaxed, underprocessed hair is my aim.
I have to agree with the other ladies and advise you to wait it out, at least a few weeks.

However, I would be lying if I said I haven't done a corrective (more than once) on the next day, because I have...and survived it just fine. :look: I wouldn't do it today, though, becasue now that I'm texlaxed, underprocessed hair is my aim.

THanks for your reply! Yeah, I also don't think it's particualrly a good idea...just like all the other responses, I know it's practicing "bad haircare", so I wasn't expecting too many "go for it!" replies. I just more so wanted to know if anyone had made it out ok after doing this...I know everyone's hair is different, but reading that several people didn't go bald afterwards makes me feel a little better...I'll let everyone know what I end up doing and what can be a learning experience for all us if I do!
I think you should wait. It if you don't, you might be back on here tomorrow talking about how your hair fell out. And then it may turn out just fine. But do you really want to take that risk. You may end up with bald spots.

But the decision is ultimately yours.
Thanks for all the responses me I took everyone's suggestions very seriously, but at the end of the day these puffy areas were killing me! So last night I applied my relaxer (Phyto 2) just to those areas for about 5 minutes. Honestly didn't get as straight as I wanted because I was so scared and only left it on for 5 minutes. But it is a bit straighter and no hair loss!! YAY! Won't say I'm out of the clear till the end of the month, and I'll definitely monitor for breakage in those areas, but so far it all went well...:)
The damage may not be immediate, but think of it this way... that section that was "corrected" immediately after a touch-up without first being built up with protein/moisturizing conditioners will always have at least two times as much wear and tear on it as the other areas. This creates stress spots. So if you plan on growing your hair out, this may be an issue.
Good luck, let us know how it turns out...

Like I said, I noticed the effects of my corrective relaxer over a year later and I was told that it was caused by over processing. Some areas of my hair were fine, others were not.

Make sure you get protein DCs more often than usual for a few weeks. Ofcourse, don't stop doing you moisturising DCs.
The damage may not be immediate, but think of it this way... that section that was "corrected" immediately after a touch-up without first being built up with protein/moisturizing conditioners will always have at least two times as much wear and tear on it as the other areas. This creates stress spots. So if you plan on growing your hair out, this may be an issue.

Good luck, let us know how it turns out...

Like I said, I noticed the effects of my corrective relaxer over a year later and I was told that it was caused by over processing. Some areas of my hair were fine, others were not.

Make sure you get protein DCs more often than usual for a few weeks. Ofcourse, don't stop doing you moisturising DCs.

Yes I will keep everyone posted and only time will tell...I agree that I may not see the damage for awhile..but I hope I never see it! In the future, I'm sure that relaxing in 2 sections like I did on my last relaxer will help me do a better job and avoid this sort of thing, because I hope to never have to do this again!