Corporate and Professional Naturals or ANY Natural HELP!

So I have commented on this topic before in another post but now i've had a bad experience and I'm not sure what to do. I am in a very "old boys club" kind of medical school. Professional dress at at all times is pretty much the de rigour. I have stated before that I have not seen one natural in this place not one. Anyway as I started to stretch my hair I realized how much I like my natural texture and decided to transition - it's been about 6 months. Well today for the first time I met a natural who was a graduate from my program who came back to speak with us (3c shoulder length natural hair she was rocking a braidout). Now I asked her while she was here did she have any problems because of her natural hair and she said she did have some because of how hoity toighty people can be here. And because "we are minorities it's already a problem". Anyway she said that she had a few negative comments even though she kept her hair pulled back and neat. Now I'm starting to feel like maybe having natural hair isn't such a good idea anymore. I always had misgivings not because of my hair I love my hair but because of the environment that I'm in. I want to be successful and I don't want something as petty as hair to stand in my way. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. I planned on BCing in November and I still want to but I don't want to be discriminated against. Can anyone please offer me some tips or help. Also right now I do wear a wig so it's not like I've had any negative comments but when I was stretching it out I did receive quite a few :nono: mostly from other black women.
Unfortunately, regardless where you are, you will receive the most negative comments from black women and black men.
So I have commented on this topic before in another post but now i've had a bad experience and I'm not sure what to do. I am in a very "old boys club" kind of medical school. Professional dress at at all times is pretty much the de rigour. I have stated before that I have not seen one natural in this place not one. Anyway as I started to stretch my hair I realized how much I like my natural texture and decided to transition - it's been about 6 months. Well today for the first time I met a natural who was a graduate from my program who came back to speak with us (3c shoulder length natural hair she was rocking a braidout). Now I asked her while she was here did she have any problems because of her natural hair and she said she did have some because of how hoity toighty people can be here. And because "we are minorities it's already a problem". Anyway she said that she had a few negative comments even though she kept her hair pulled back and neat. Now I'm starting to feel like maybe having natural hair isn't such a good idea anymore. I always had misgivings not because of my hair I love my hair but because of the environment that I'm in. I want to be successful and I don't want something as petty as hair to stand in my way. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. I planned on BCing in November and I still want to but I don't want to be discriminated against. Can anyone please offer me some tips or help. Also right now I do wear a wig so it's not like I've had any negative comments but when I was stretching it out I did receive quite a few :nono: mostly from other black women.

It's amazing how so often, it's our OWN PEOPLE who look down on natural hair.
On average, old boys clubs don't pay much attention to women anyhow (sadly enough), much less black women. If anything your hair will make you stand out from the crowd, and from there - it is up to you to make that attention a positive or negative thing.

I'm contrary though, and believe that if you have a good head under that hair, as long as it's neat and clean, you can go as far as you want.

I mean - if things get too rough, you can always put a weave/wig in until you get past the bu||sh|t, ya know?
Discriminating against you because of your hair can earn a corporation a discrimination lawsuit. If they're smart they'll keep their mouths shut. The standard of beauty isn't the ruler straight white girl hair or the past. Things are different and people need to get over it, especially black people who discourage fellow blacks. They're the most pathetic.
If you keep your hair relaxed it should be because you want to and not because these people's attitude made you do this. If you leave your hair permed because of them you will find it hard to draw the line on when making decisions based on their opinion. I say do as you please as long as you are not hurting any body intentionally.People will also find something to hate on...if its not your hair its the way you dress...the way you talk, whats best for you and your hair!:yep:
I am also in medical school and transitioning (8 months post relaxer). I usually rock baidouts. I know exactly what you mean about the snooty environment. My friend told me who is also black, a med student, and natural (wears micro braids), "you know you would catch a millionaire if you just straightened your hair more." I almost slapped her. First of all what makes you think I haven't already caught a millionaire.People can say stupid things. It is becoming more of an issue since I will be interviewing for residency soon. I just try to stay focused on my hair goals, keep my hair clean and as neat as possible. I just don't have hair where I can straighten it every week, put microbraids and weaves in all the time. The world is still very eurocentric and the field of medicine is no exception. Just keep your head up and keep rocking what ever hair style that works for you until your hair gets to a length you are comfortable with.
Well, that girl's experience doesn't have to be your experience. As long as your hair is neat, you should not have a problem. Contrary to popular belief, natural hair styles can give you a polished look. If you are transitioning, try rod hair styles to blend the natural in with the relaxed. You can also do braids. But don't let those people convince you not to go natural. It sounds cliche, but you have to transition your mind along with your hair.
Well, that girl's experience doesn't have to be your experience. As long as your hair is neat, you should not have a problem. Contrary to popular belief, natural hair styles can give you a polished look. If you are transitioning, try rod hair styles to blend the natural in with the relaxed. You can also do braids. But don't let those people convince you not to go natural. It sounds cliche, but you have to transition your mind along with your hair.

I agree with DeepBluSea.
Also, if you think that you will be discriminated against for your hair, what makes you think that because it is permed that they won't find something else?
Wear your hair the way YOU want to wear your hair. If you want to transition and BC, then do so. If you want to relax, do that. Don't do it because of some comments. They really could care less about our hair. As long as you keep it neat, you'll be fine.
It's amazing how so often, it's our OWN PEOPLE who look down on natural hair.
On average, old boys clubs don't pay much attention to women anyhow (sadly enough), much less black women. If anything your hair will make you stand out from the crowd, and from there - it is up to you to make that attention a positive or negative thing.

I'm contrary though, and believe that if you have a good head under that hair, as long as it's neat and clean, you can go as far as you want.

I mean - if things get too rough, you can always put a weave/wig in until you get past the bu||sh|t, ya know?

True. You'd be almost invisible to them unless they have to deal with you face to face on a daily basis.

Don't relax because you think it would make you fit in if that's not what you want. You can be natural and professional. Is your hair long enough for an updo?
Please continue being natural. Natural hair is actually becoming more and more accepted. We still have ways to go, but we're making progress. I'm not sure where you're located, but it's the norm to see professional black women in NYC rocking their natural hair.

My gyno and my derm are both black women with natural hair. My mentor who is a Harvard law grad and a litigator at one of New York's top firms, has dreads.

I recently bc'ed, and I work in Corporate America (though my environment is kind of relaxed). I got so many compliments on my hair from my coworkers. One of the senior partners in my firm, personally told me she loves my hair in its natural state. I have type 4a hair.

I say as long as you present yourself well, you do your work, and you are on top of your game, Nothing can stop you. Not natural hair, not prejudice, not negative comments. Relaxed and natural sisters are making leaps and bounds, I doubt some hair is going to stop us.

Girl please just brush your shoulders off and be proud of the beauty God gave you.
I agree with the above posters. :yep:

I'll be going into the government arena where this will be an issue as well and I time believe the Gold Old Boys won't notice me until forced too and it's not my hair they'll be irritated about if and when that happens.:lachen: mentioned...there are weaves and wigs if things get too bad. :ohwell:

It IS a shame that we as a people can be out biggest obstacle. :nono:

Congrat on deciding to transition -I wish you patience and successes! :yep:
My boyfriend is in medschool. Kick ass. Get the best grades, and don't worry about what they think about your hair. They can't grade you on it. When it comes to residency, I don't see it as an issue as long as you know how to rock your boards. I think if you walk around apologizing for who you are (you've seen people who do this...even though they don't say "I'm sorry" so to speak, the way they walk and talk, they look like they lack confidence) then you'll have more problems. Walk around confidently and others will respond to that. If anyone makes a comment, then so be it. Say something witty and cutting, that makes them feel like their comment is unacceptable and demeaning...or make a joke that's disarming. Either way who cares what others think of you! It sounds "cliche" but you have to believe in yourself or no one else will. I am in the master's program for psychology going towards my doctorate (my goal), but I have huge pressure in the acting industry (I also act), and one thing I learned is that people will eat you alive if you feel that you are inferior to them. Let me correct that, if THEY think you feel you are inferior to them or you feel that you are unacceptable in "their" environment just being who you are. I hope that helps. I wish you the best and bless you!
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So I have commented on this topic before in another post but now i've had a bad experience and I'm not sure what to do. I am in a very "old boys club" kind of medical school. Professional dress at at all times is pretty much the de rigour. I have stated before that I have not seen one natural in this place not one. Anyway as I started to stretch my hair I realized how much I like my natural texture and decided to transition - it's been about 6 months. Well today for the first time I met a natural who was a graduate from my program who came back to speak with us (3c shoulder length natural hair she was rocking a braidout). Now I asked her while she was here did she have any problems because of her natural hair and she said she did have some because of how hoity toighty people can be here. And because "we are minorities it's already a problem". Anyway she said that she had a few negative comments even though she kept her hair pulled back and neat. Now I'm starting to feel like maybe having natural hair isn't such a good idea anymore. I always had misgivings not because of my hair I love my hair but because of the environment that I'm in. I want to be successful and I don't want something as petty as hair to stand in my way. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. I planned on BCing in November and I still want to but I don't want to be discriminated against. Can anyone please offer me some tips or help. Also right now I do wear a wig so it's not like I've had any negative comments but when I was stretching it out I did receive quite a few :nono: mostly from other black women.

Does not surprise me. Jealousy.

I think that there are plenty of natural albums on here and fotki if you are looking for styles.
thank you so much everyone :yawn:. I guess I am more worried about what other people think of me and it's the first time in my life I've felt that way. I've just worked so hard and I do have very good grades but I don't want to sacrifice anything. i'm so concerned with every little thing that might hold me back that i forgot why I want to transition in the first place. My hair is not long enough to wear in a bun but it's getting there. I guess I will just keep it covered until I'm comfortable enough to pull it back or wear rod sets like others suggested. Its the first time in my medical career that I have felt sad. i should mention I want to be a surgeon so already - I'm in the oldest of old boys clubs and one of my mentors here who is a 4th year resident gets treated pretty harsh and I'm not sure why. She is competent, smart, and on her game but it's hard to be a female surgeon and a minority in a field dominated by white men. I guess I just don't want to add anymore obstacles to the path. But when I think about relaxing I just shudder...because I love me and this time I've been here has been a true self-discovery and joy....I wouldn't change it because I feel more open and accepting than before I joined and that's great but I'm saddened by how little it seems the world has changed when I look around my school :sad:
I am currently a doctor in residency. It wasn't until intern year that I even thought about going natural. My black collegues were all up in arms about it and were really negative about the concept of me going natural. The next year, I big chopped...and have never looked back. I can attest to the fact that you can still get ahead and rock a big 'fro, braid-out, twist-out, year, I was chosen to be chief resident and my kinks and curls didn't put a doubt in anyone's mind about how great I will do.

I run into med students and other professionals all the time, talking about how they wish they could go natural. My thought, "What's stopping you?" As someone else mentioned, it is not what is on your is what is in your head (i.e. your intelligence and competence) that matters.
i should mention I want to be a surgeon so already - I'm in the oldest of old boys clubs and one of my mentors here who is a 4th year resident gets treated pretty harsh and I'm not sure why. She is competent, smart, and on her game but it's hard to be a female surgeon and a minority in a field dominated by white men.

So now we are getting to the meat of your fears. You are a girl entering into the "boys club." This is always going to be true. Relaxed, natural or will still be a girl entering into the boys club. My suggestion: do your thing when it comes to hair and do your thing when it comes to your career. Go natural and be the best surgeon that you can be.
I am currently a doctor in residency. It wasn't until intern year that I even thought about going natural. My black collegues were all up in arms about it and were really negative about the concept of me going natural. The next year, I big chopped...and have never looked back. I can attest to the fact that you can still get ahead and rock a big 'fro, braid-out, twist-out, year, I was chosen to be chief resident and my kinks and curls didn't put a doubt in anyone's mind about how great I will do.

I run into med students and other professionals all the time, talking about how they wish they could go natural. My thought, "What's stopping you?" As someone else mentioned, it is not what is on your is what is in your head (i.e. your intelligence and competence) that matters.

I just completed my second year of medical school today...just gotta take my boards in june. And I have natural hair. I have not had any problems AT ALL. I have not heard any negative comments. And I have gotten alot of compliments.

But even if people did not like it. I have never been the type of person to give two hoots about what other people think of me, especially if I know that I am doing the job that I am required to do effectively! But then again I don't think people would really have the nerve to come to my face with some BS anyway.

You should not be focusing on what other people are thinking about your hair right now FOR REAL. Need to be all up in them books cause trust me the same poople in your school who might have a problem with your hair will not have your hair as the thing keeping them awake at school does that already. LMAO! :nono: But for real even if they do think negative for a quick second that is all that it will be is a second then they will go back to focusing on them and working hard to achieve their goal...and all of that without focusing on your hair.

The only people to be cautious about are the people writing your reccommendations/deans letters. Everyone else can just kiss it LOL. And if you are that self conscious about your hair at this stage then put in a bun and call it a day. I have never heard anyone say that a bun is not professional.