

New Member
ok I have cornrows in my hair right now (I want to try and do this for the whole summer).I am going to try and keep them for 2weeks @ a time. I have only had them in for a week now and I am going crazy because I dont think I am washing my hair right. Can someone please tell me how many times week I should wash my hair, how to wash without messing them up, but getting my scalp to moisturize my hair, and how many times I should moisturize them. thanks alot. oh and will my hair grow even if I add extentions to the cornrows?
You could rinse (be gentle) your hair instead of shampoo less manipulation = less frizz, use seabreeze or witchhazel on a cottonball between the rows to remove build up and cleanse your scalp and our all time favorite s-curl to moisturize
, and don't forget to tie down with a silk/satin scarf. If you plan to have them in all summer you have plenty of time to experiment as far as how often you should do this.
mmm well i cant say what the best method is but i'm gonna be usin cornrows to protect my hair thru summer and have had it for only 2weeks so far and am hopin to go 8weeks instead...i've found tyin my air down wit satin scalf VERY helpful especially wen wet coz coz for once the shrinkage fator actually works in my favour

i've diluted soem of s curl and spray this on my hair and then rub some between my hands and rub on hair...i rinse my hair once a week and wash once in two weeks and about yo hair growin more wit extensions, the hair will jus grow at its normal rate and cannot really be altered unless wit the use of supplements
I wear cornrows every other week... I wash my hair twice during the time that I have my cornrows in. I just rinse my hair w/ water & then do a ACV rinse, and then add moisturizing conditioner to my hair and rinse. I take a ponytail holder on put on the ends of my braids gathered together. I immediately put on my silk scarf to press my hair down to dry. The braids look good for the whole week...
I just ot rid of my cornrows, I did not wash them but I did spray my scalp with water every morning and the braids at night with glycerin water. My ahir was very moisturized and the water felt good to my scalp.
okay everybody while we are talking about cornrows, does anybody know a way to reduce frizz? mine frizz up so quick and that is why i'm so reluctant to put any mouisture on my hair when it is in braids.
I think the best thing to do is make sure your hair is moisturized well before putting in the braids, I've never tried this but maybe frizzease serum would work well before putting the braids in, I've been talking about getting my own cornrows, maybe I will on Friday and then I can give my own experience on the fight against frizz, other than that I just say tie it down with a scarf each night.
kisz4tj is rite i need money coz if u tie yo hair down every nite then it wont be movin about and so will reduce the amount of frizz BUT u cant reaally stop them altogether coz the second i'm in my house i tie it down and yet already soem hair is frayin esp in the back