Cornrows in Bun for growth - APL here I come!!!!


New Member
How are you washing/co-washing you hair while in cornrows? Are you experiencing less hold to the braids? When I tried the C&G method; the style does not hold. Strands start to loosen taken away from the neatness and control.

Current length below SL but not yet APL. The hardest challenge ever. The potential is there. I just can not seem to reach. This will be my protective style for 3 months.
Is is just your own hair cornrowed or do you have extention hair added?

They get fuzzier faster when it is just your hair. I usually try to avoid washing it while wearing cornrows. I get my moisture by using the Africal Royal braid spray which is very moisturizing and diluted infusium. When I want to rinse some of it away, I just wet a washcloth and squeeze the water over my hair and scalp. Avoid any rubbing, and avoid suds. You can dilute some shampoo and pour it over and then rinse but I wouldn't do that frequently. And fully saturating your hair with water will make it fuzz faster too.

It also helps if you tie your hair down with a scarf or stocking cap while it dries. That fights off the frizz too.
I have extension added. I use African Pride w/Infusium daily with Olive Oil Sheen. I'm going to try a Wet Towel because it's getting itchy.... This would be going into the 2nd week and right now they are in tack. I tie it up every night before going to bed. How does the C&G work for cornrows. It seems as though that it doesn't apply.
I do my own C&G with cornrolls. I just braid weekly and keep spraying the braid spray and infusium 23 on daily. When I take down, I put them back up the next day.