cornrowing your own hair...

i do my own cornrows. i learned to do two french braids when i was very young from a girl @ summer camp & have been braiding my hair ever since. i recently did triangle parted individuals.
EDA links

Thanks for the videos, those are very good. I didnt think about parting it smaller at the back of the head, makes sense. Also, I clicked on some of the other videos on the page from the last video link. The veil style is nice, I always saw other people do it, but never knew how to do it myself. I didn't realize that you had to do a "brick" pattern, I always placed the braids in one row directly behind one another. lol.:lachen:
I can cornrow.... but they look a mess... I cant seem to catch the beginning part of my braids well enough so it looks like the 1st inch of my braids arent done

I would love to see the individuals with the triangle parts! I tried this a few years ago but wasn't as proud of the finished product as I thought I would be. Please share a pic.

i do my own cornrows. i learned to do two french braids when i was very young from a girl @ summer camp & have been braiding my hair ever since. i recently did triangle parted individuals.
EDA links
To start, twist about 3x in place befoe picking up additional hair. you may want to try braiding slower and tighter, (or doing more "exchanges" before picking up additional hair. This takes longer but I think you'll be happier with the resulting cornrow)

I can cornrow.... but they look a mess... I cant seem to catch the beginning part of my braids well enough so it looks like the 1st inch of my braids arent done

I've gotten the basics down, but I really want to learn how to cornrow using extensions, can anybody help me out?
i know how to cornrow, my issue is parting my own parts come out crooked, i need to learn how to part precisely....Mook cousin where are you?????

Someone awhile back put up a post showing a 360 degree mirror at (I found a coupon link to get $4.98 flat rate on shipping; there was another for 15% that was advertised on google under a few different websites, but they did not work)

I will be getting this mirror because I just purchased those dvds (how to do cornrows, microbraids, weaves, extensions and kinky twists) by Marquetta Breslin. She makes it look so easy :yep: I really am too cheap to get someone else to do cornrows for me. My brothers volunteered themselves for me to practice on because they get their hair either twisted, braided, or cornrowed once a month.

I'm going to cornrow my hair tomorrow. I'll probably do it going back and gathered to one side. Now, I notice quite a few naturals with thining around their hair line. I know cornrows can be a cause of this. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening?

Mook, that is the first time I understood how to cornrow! Thank you a million times over! I have to wait till my hair grows before I can practice on myself, but I'll be practicing on my mannequin!:yep::woot:
Mook, that is the first time I understood how to cornrow! Thank you a million times over! /quote]

Yes, I must agree, that was a great video. Thanks mook!!! Now im going to go practice with my friend's hair. :grin: My hair is in twists so I cant practice with my hair until I take them out.
Mook I could:blowkiss:U. Thanks for the video, you are the BOMB! Good lawd do ppl still use that word:ohwell: well you know what I mean:yep: