Cornrolls & itch on 4yo boy


Active Member
Can someone tell me how to help my son with the itches?

He wears cornrolls but then scratch and scratch and scratch like crazy. I don't know what to do to help him. I thought that his scalp was just plain dirty so hubby washed it while it was in braids but this didn't seem to help much. I've also purchased a seabreaze type of product and try to rub some on his scalp everynight but he still scratches.

So can someone tell me what to try? Please recommend a product that can be purchased in the stores.

Tonight I'm taking his braids down, washing his hair then letting the girl next door braid his hair in the morning.

the only thing that helped me, when I wore cornrows or braids, was sulphur eight light, it comes in a blue jar, the smell is not bad, it took care of the itchies, you can purchase it pretty much anywhere, ie,cvs,foodloin, safeway, hth
Maybe he shouldn't wear cornrows for a while, seems like wearing a short hair cut would allow you to really see what's going on with the scalp and maybe the situation will remedy itself. Or take him to the dermatologist and find out why his head is itching so severely.
You can get a braid spray. I usually use African Royale BRX Braid Spray and it stops the itchies. You can get it at a BSS and probably Walgreens, CVS, Somewhere like that.
Thanks, anymore suggestions?

Lisana, I honestly don't think he has a scalp problem. He's only had hair long enough to put into cornrolls for about a month now. Cornrolls are new to him (he wore them when he was 12 - 24 months but I cut his hair after that time).
The same thing would happen to my son. It was more or less because he sweats so much. Finally I cut his hair and that rid the problem.